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NYC: Eric Adams limits shelter stays for immigrant families to 60 days

This new emergency policy will attempt to ease the burden of the immigration crisis on the city. Last month, the mayor limited stays for adult illegal immigrants to 30 days.

El alcalde de Nueva York, Eric Adams,

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (Cordon Press)

New York Mayor Eric Adams established a 60-day limit on stays in the city's shelters for immigrant families with children:

The Democrat's administration announced that it will send notices to immigrant families informing them of how long they can stay in shelters. However, illegal immigrants will be able to request an extended stay if they cannot find somewhere else to live. To avoid this situation, the city will offer "intensified casework services" to support them in their search for housing.

As the city still seeks further and timely support from federal and state partners, it will begin providing 60 days notice to families with children seeking asylum to find alternative housing along with intensified casework services to help them explore other housing options and take the next steps in their journeys.

Last month, Adams announced the implementation of a similar measure which limited stays for adult immigrants in city facilities to 30 days.

More than 120,000 illegal immigrants in NYC

New York has been burdened with the expenses of the more than 120,000 immigrants who have arrived in the city due to the crisis on the southern border caused by the failed immigration policies of the Biden administration. According to the mayor's office, more than 60,000 illegal immigrants are currently residing in city-funded shelters.

Adams has been asking the federal government to aid with the costs of this migrant crisis for months. To handle the large influx, the city claims it will need $12 billion over the next three years. On the mayor's recent trip to Latin America to witness these migrants' journeys firsthand, he said that he saw the "reality and the scale" of the situation and declared that New York is "literally out of space and capacity."
