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Twitter reinstates Dr. Robert Malone, scientist critical of mRNA vaccines

Elon Musk laughs off "Branch Covidians" while White House lashes out at the Twitter CEO for hinting at posting information about Fauci.

Robert Malone

Robert Malone

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Twitter's new management continues to reinstate numerous accounts that were banned for sharing anti-establishment opinions and information. The most recent case is that of Dr. Robert Malone, one of the inventors of mRNA vaccines, who was very skeptical of the implementation of mass COVID-19 vaccinations worldwide, many of which happened practically by force.

On Monday, Twitter lifted the ban on Malone's account. He was removed nearly a year ago for violating the social network's policies on alleged misinformation regarding the COVID vaccine. Dr. Malone had explained the alleged dangers of these vaccines on several occasions. On Dec. 29, 2021, shortly before his account was suspended, the scientist shared a video explaining that COVID vaccines were doing more harm than good. The social network was quick to label the content as "misleading" and restricted likes, retweets and replies to the post. Meanwhile, Malone warned, "You have been lied to. Again, and again, and again."

Dr. Malone's return to Twitter coincides with the reinstatement of several users whose views don't align with certain interests, especially those of progressives. Since the purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk, journalists such as Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss have given us an inside look at the removal of Donald Trump and the concealment of Hunter Biden's laptop scandal in the so-called "Twitter Files." These stories, shared as threads on the platform, expose the political, ideological and scientific censorship that prevailed on Twitter under previous management.

Malone celebrated his return to the platform on Tuesday by sharing an article in which he congratulates the unvaccinated: "You deserve a medal for your ability to see through the fog of information warfare," the scientist said.

Musk puts Fauci in the crosshairs, White House slams him as "dangerous"

Malone's return to Twitter came just days after Elon Musk raised eyebrows with a post saying, "My pronouns are Prosecute / Fauci." This cryptic message has been interpreted by some as foreshadowing for the eventual disclosure of sensitive information regarding Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose retirement at the end of the year is being spoiled by various investigations.

Musk's tweet referring to Fauci did not sit well in the White House. Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre lashed out Monday at the businessman, calling the tweet "disgusting" and "dangerous." Shortly before, the Twitter CEO seemed to be amused by the angry and nervous reactions of what he called "the Branch Covidians."
