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The majority of voters support TikTok ban due to Chinese espionage concerns

A poll revealed that 68% of respondents believe that the Chinese government uses the platform to collect sensitive U.S. national security information.

TikTok, bandera de China

Solen Feyissa / Flickr.

A Rasmussen Reports poll revealed that the majority of voters believe that members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) may be using TikTok to "collect sensitive U.S. government national security information," and would support some Congressional action if a decision were made to ban it.

68% support banning TikTok

The survey asked respondents whether they agreed or disagreed that "the Chinese government could use TikTok to collect sensitive national security information of U.S. government employees and develop profiles of millions of Americans for blackmail or spying." Sixty eight lervebt responded that they agree, 46% of those said they "strongly" agree. When divided by political tendency or party, the majority of Republicans (87%), Democrats (54%) and Independents (64%) agree.

When asked if they would support a federal legislation to ban TikTok in the country; the majority, 68%, said they support it. Almost a quarter (24%) are opposed. Also, more Republicans (83 %) than Democrats (58 %) or unaffiliated voters (64 %) support banning the app in the US.

The survey found that men are significantly more likely than women to be concerned about the diversion of TikTok data to the Chinese government and to support legislation that would ban use of the social network.

Actions taken by officials

Several officials and governors have already expressed their distrust regarding how the application handles user information. This has led some of them to push for a ban on the platform through state legislation:

- South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster announced that he is seeking to veto the implementation of government devices due to security concerns. Maryland is taking similar measures.

- Texas Governor Greg Abbott banned the app from being downloaded and used on state-provided cell phones and computers. The governor announced that the app is banned from all government-owned devices for "collecting large amounts of data" from users who download it.

- South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem also signed an executive order, banning TikTok on state government devices:

"South Dakota will not participate in the intelligence gathering operations of nations that hate us. The Chinese Communist Party uses the information it collects on TikTok to manipulate the American people and collects data from devices accessing the platform.