New York becomes the most dangerous 'sanctuary city' in the country
IRLI: "Sanctuary policies only provide sanctuary for criminals, not immigrant communities."

Eric Adams (Picryl)
A study of the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) reveals how the Big Apple's progressive policies have led it to become in the most dangerous "sanctuary city" in the United States. The data show that cities that suspend federal immigration enforcement have more crime and greater decontrol of undocumented persons.
NYC was the second worst sanctuary community in the latest 2019 IRLI rankings. Since then, the city has doubled down on its sanctuary city policy to earn the top spot.
Sanctuary policies "only for criminals"
The report singles out former Mayor Bill de Blasio as the culprit for many of the problems facing the Big Apple: "The city is paying the terrible price for the eight years that former Mayor Bill de Blasio supported radical sanctuary policies." Despite the mismanagement that de Blasio is credited with, former cop Eric Adams-now mayor-has continued policies in favor of illegal aliens.
Adams began his term in office with tough-on-crime rhetoric. The figures show that its measures have not been very effective. According to NYPD statistics, the crime rate in the city is at 36%. Reports of robberies have increased from 8,176 in August of last year to 11,412 in August 2022.
Police exodus in NYC contributes to a significant increase in crime. The New York Post reported that 2,465 Police Department officers have filed their papers to leave the agency so far in 2022. This includes the 71% who did so before they were entitled to their full pensions. The figure represents a 42% jump from the 1,731 agents who left the job at the same time in 2021.
Tom Homan, senior researcher at IRLI, noted that "Sanctuary policies only provide sanctuary for criminals, not for immigrant communities."
Illegal laws for immigrants
Mayor Adams endorsed a bill passed by the New York City Council that grants nearly one million foreigners the right to vote in local elections. A city state court subsequently struck down the law ruling that allowing foreigners to vote violates the state constitution. Four black citizens filed a federal lawsuit against the Board of Elections and the City of New York. The federal court is expected to respond to the case.
In 2019, New York released more than 7,500 illegal aliens back onto the streets, including some with murder and sexual abuse convictions. That same year, the city banned the legally correct term "illegal alien," threatening fines of up to $250,000 for violators. And in 2020 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issued subpoenas to obtain information about criminal illegal aliens who were being protected by New York City officials.
U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called for the abolition of ICE and described border detention centers as "concentration camps."
Buses to give lessons
Governor Abbott made the decision to send migrants on bus trips to Washington DC and New York to demonstrate what he sees as failed Democratic leadership on the immigration issue. Abbott has called New York City "the ideal destination for migrants, who can receive the abundance of services and housing that sanctuary city has."
Mayor Adams criticized Abbott for wanting to "politicize the situation." However, its open-arms approach to illegal immigrants has changed radically since it has been receiving thousands of them. The mayor has shown his anger with these shipments of illegals to the point of "deeply contemplating" sending "busloads of New Yorkers to Texas" in retaliation. Adams calls the arrival of immigrants in the Big Apple "horrible". Already more than 1,500 illegal immigrants have arrived in the city since August 5.
Earlier this month, Texas Gov. invited Erick Adams and Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, to visit the state's border with Mexico so that they can have a real vision of the dimension of the human crisis caused by the wave of illegal immigrants. Both Adams and Bowser rejected this meeting, although both agree with Abbott on the need to increase federal resources in the face of the influx of immigrants (to their cities).