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Kamala unmasked: price controls and attacks on businesses to reduce inflation caused by the Biden-Harris Administration

The Democratic candidate denies her responsibility for the brutal rise in prices during her term in office and bets on socialist measures that have already failed in communist countries.

Kamala Harris on her campaign tour of Rust Belt states.Kamil Krzaczynski / AFP.

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Kamala Harris is preparing to announce a measure with which she plans to amend the economic disaster of her term in office alongside Joe Biden. The vice president's team leaked to NBC that the Democratic candidate will approve "the first federal ban on corporate price gouging in the food and grocery industries." Pure socialism against inflation... a formula that has not proven too effective in the communist countries where it has been applied.

In a statement to the TV network, Kamala's campaign noted that "there is a big difference between fair pricing in competitive markets and excessive prices unrelated to the costs of doing business. Americans can see that difference in their grocery bills."

In addition, Kamala points to the main culprit - according to her - of rising prices: the meat industry. Her team's message points out that "soaring meat prices have accounted for a large part of Americans’ higher grocery bills, even as meat processing companies registered record-breaking profits following the pandemic."

The increase in energy prices as a result of his green policies, or the billions and billions of dollars in inadequately monitored aid to alleviate the effects of the covid pandemic does not appear to have anything to do with runaway inflation to the vice president's knowledge.

This initiative is part of the economic blueprint that Kamala Harris intends to announce later Friday, a week after Donald Trump unveiled at a rally his main outline for the U.S. economy. It includes measures aimed at reducing consumer costs in two other sectors singled out by the Biden administration: prescription drugs and housing.

Trump and Rick Scott dismantle Kamala's "Maduro Plan"

Kamala's proposal was quickly criticized by the Republican candidate, who called it "the Maduro Plan," alluding to the destruction that the Chavista dictatorship has caused in once-prosperous Venezuela:

"Kamala's price control proposal is 'The Maduro Plan.' We call it the Maduro Plan. Something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union. This announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed."

Also, Senator Rick Scott charged harshly against the proposal on his X account, assuring that this measure "should terrify every American." The Florida lawmaker began by highlighting Kamala's lack of economic knowledge, "a person who has never created a company, who does not understand profit and loss, who has never known payrolls and who has never competed in a consumer market, is going to propose federal price controls.He further noted that "banning 'price gouging,' is already widely illegal and not the cause of high prices."
