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McConnell being "medically clear" does not quell demands for a generational shift in politics

The Republican senator's latest episode has spurred debate over the age and health of politicians who refuse to step aside.

El senador republicano Mitch Mcconnell.

(Cordon Press)

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Mitch McConnell is "medically clear" to go ahead with his schedule, according to Capitol Hill doctor Brian P. Monahan in a statement released by the senator's team:

I have consulted with Leader McConnell and conferred with his neurology team. After evaluating yesterday’s incident, I have informed Leader McConnell that he is medically clear to continue with his schedule as planned. Occasional lightheadedness is not uncommon in concussion recovery and can also be expected as a result of dehydration

The Senate minority leader is trying to calm rumors about the state of his health after he froze during a press conference last Wednesday. This was the second such episode for McConnel. The first came in a press conference in July, when McConnell froze and seemingly could not speak for more than 20 seconds in front of reporters. He had to be escorted away from the podium.

Dr. Monahan's opinion, however, does not reassure everybody. Some Senate Republicans confessed anonymously that they would consider calling a special meeting to discuss a future without McConnell at the head of the GOP in the Senate.

Less discreet has been Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who shared a video of the octogenarian senator's latest incident and also took aim at President Biden and Senators Dianne Feinstein and John Fetterman. They, she said, "are examples of people who are not fit for office and it’s time to be serious about it."

These politician’s [sic.] staff and family members should be ashamed of themselves by enabling and allowing their loved ones to remain in office all to hold power. We are talking about our country’s national security and it’s all at stake! 25th amendment and other measures need to be on the table.

The oldest Senate in history

Current senators have an average age of 65, the highest on record. Democrat Dianne Feinstein, at 90, is the oldest. Her health status has been questioned repeatedly, especially after her three-month absence due to shingles. There have even been calls by Democrats for her to step down.

In Fetterman's case, the concern for his health stems from a stroke he suffered during his campaign to represent Pennsylvania in the Senate in 2022 midterms. That same year, he was again hospitalized for treatment due to clinical depression.

Episodes such as incoherent answers to questions from journalists and repeated hospital stays have led many in the media to demand his medical records and the GOP to demand his resignation.

Age is Biden's toughest opponent in 2024

Searching the crowd for a dead congresswoman, mistaking the Salvation Army for the Secret Service, getting lost on the White House lawn, telling an audience to "lick the world." The viral mental lapses by the oldest acting president in the history of the country have become one of the hot topics of his campaign.

Biden's mental capacity could deny him re-election. His age and repeated lapses are the reason why 77% of voters said they believe that Biden is too old to run again.

The White House's response about Biden's health is the same as McConnell's team: Nothing to see here. Even more, the White House press secretary has called these questions concerning the president's mental capacity "inappropriate."
