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Ben Shapiro endorses Ron DeSantis as Republican presidential nominee

The influential journalist pointed to the Florida governor’s management capabilities and believes that Donald Trump will see worse results than in 2020.

Ben Shapiro, durante una entrevista.

(Captura de YouTube/Triggernometry)

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Ben Shapiro singled out Ron DeSantis as his favorite to be the GOP front-runner in the 2024 presidential election. Although the Florida governor has not yet publicly announced his candidacy, the popular journalist highlighted his management skills, applauding his response to natural disasters or the reduction of the state's crime rate. In addition, Shapiro accused Donald Trump of "having no real plan to win" and being unable to "control either his mouth or his fingers."

During an interview on the YouTube channel and podcast Triggernometry, Shapiro clearly wet himself on who he would back if DeSantis decides to step up in front of the former president to become the conservative nominee in 2024. The Daily Wire editor emeritusunhesitatingly singled out the Florida governor and justified his decision with statistics and character traits of each.

With DeSantis, "the problems are really solved".

"DeSantis is extremely meticulous in how he approaches policy. When you focus on an issue, you really focus on it. He is really good at governing. Florida's dirty little secret is that it is very well governed," the communicator pointed out. "Here, problems are really solved. DeSantis lowered crime rates dramatically and offered police officers a $10,000 stipend to come to the state."

Shapiro also accused the national media of focusing on the war against the Woke culture and ignoring day-to-day management. "We have all the culture war stuff put out by the national media. But what the national media doesn't say is that when there is a hurricane we are rebuilding bridges in a day."

Trump "has no real plan to win."

For his part, Donald Trump presents more drawbacks than solutions to opt for a second term in the White House."He's 76 years old, he doesn't have the ability to control his mouth or his fingers." In addition, the former president"has no real plan to win. I mean, he literally complained in 2020 that the election was stolen from him through voter fraud. But no one will ask you the simple question: how do you plan to disrupt elections in 2024?"

He went on to note that Trump "is tremendously unpopular with women, has an approval rating of about 20 points and, based on available data, is likely to underperform in 2020. To tell millions of people that yes, you voted for me in 2016, you voted against me in 2020 and now I want you to vote for me again. That's not even changing your mind once, that's changing your mind twice. That's super difficult," Shapiro analyzed.
