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Immigration crisis: Biden only spent three hours in El Paso during his first border visit

"We’re really concerned that we need to sit down and have discussions, more so than photo-ops," the local county court judge said.

Joe Biden

(Cordon Press)

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This Sunday, President Joe Biden visited the southern border of the country. Since taking office two years ago, he had not visited the area despite the major crisis due to the number of illegal migrants entering the nation.

The President landed on Air Force One in El Paso, Texas, visited the Bridge of the Americas and the wall at Fort Bliss with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, local county court judge Ricardo Samaniego and El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser.

However, the president did not stay long at the site. In fact, the visit lasted only three hours, which caused a wave of complaints that Biden's visit was "little more than a photo op," as noted by the New York Post.

"We are really concerned that we need to sit down and have discussions, rather than photo shoots," Samaniego told the aforementioned media outlet.

A trip that happened "too late

Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott wrote a letter to Biden strongly criticizing the president's border policies and asking him to focus on federal immigration enforcement to improve the situation on the southern border.

Asimismo, Abbott aprovechó la carta para señalarle lo tardía que resultó la visita del mandatario y lo “esquiva” que fue. “Su viaje es $ 20 mil millones demasiado poco y 2 años demasiado tarde”, opinó, agregando que además la gira “esquiva a los miles de enojados dueños de propiedades en Texas cuyas vidas han sido destruidas por sus políticas fronterizas”.

Cabe señalar que la crisis fronteriza ha alcanzado números rojos históricos. In fact, in 2022 alone, illegal border crossings from Mexico reached 2,378,944, an appallingly high number for the nation.
