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Political bias against conservatives, abuse and corruption: "The Federal Bureau of Investigation, under the stewardship of Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, is broken."


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House Republicans released a 1,050-page report denouncing the politicization of the FBI and the Justice Department. GOP representatives, citing several whistleblowers, claim the FBI is "rotted at its core."

Representatives of the House Judiciary Committee noted that this report, which captures numerous revelations from FBI whistleblowers, "details the problems, as recounted in whistleblower disclosures and other forms, that undermine the FBI’s fundamental law-enforcement mission."

In this sense, they reveal the broken state of the FBI due to the"politicized bureaucracy" of its leaders:

FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland have injected politics into the FBI, so much so that it is now fundamentally broken (...) The problem lies not with the majority of front-line agents who serve our country, but with the FBI’s politicized bureaucracy.

The full report is available here:

Hjc Staff FBI Report by VozMedia on Scribd

The FBI's problems: "Corruption, abuse and political bias against conservatives"

In the report, House Republicans detail the problems with the FBI described in the whistleblower disclosures. They charge that the agency maintains a "systemic culture of unaccountability" filled with "rampant corruption, manipulation, and abuse."

The whistleblowers describe how the FBI has abused its law enforcement authorities for political purposes, and how the actions of its leadership show a political bias against conservatives. Voz Media accessed the report in which Republican representatives draw some conclusions from the FBI's "politicized" conduct:

-The FBI is artificially inflating statistics about domestic violent extremism in the nation. Whistleblowers have described how FBI leadership is pressuring line agents to reclassify cases as domestic violent extremism even if the matter does not meet the criteria. They also explained how the FBI is misrepresenting the scale of domestic violent extremism nationwide by categorizing Jan. 6-related investigations as organic cases stemming from local field offices, instead of all related to one single incident. In both ways, the FBI is fueling the Biden Administration’s narrative that domestic violent extremism is the biggest threat to our nation.

-The FBI is abusing its counterterrorism authorities to investigate parents who spoke at school board meetings. Whistleblowers disclosed how, shortly after the National School Boards Association urged President Biden to use the Patriot Act against American parents, the FBI Counterterrorism Division set up a special “threat tag” to track school board-related cases. Whistleblowers provided evidence of how the FBI opened investigations into one mom for allegedly telling a local school board “we are coming for you” and a dad simply because he “rails against the government” and “has a lot of guns.”

-The FBI has abused its foreign intelligence authorities to spy on American citizens, including people associated with the campaign of President Trump in 2016. These facts have been documented in Inspector General reports and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court opinions, but there is little indication the FBI has changed -or is willing to change- course.

-The FBI is clearing the Bureau of employees who dissent from its woke, leftist agenda. The FBI is actively seeking to “purge” FBI employees holding conservative views—or, in President Biden’s view, those who are a “threat to American democracy”— because they hold conservative views. The FBI has even taken retaliatory actions against at least one whistleblower who has spoken out.

-Whistleblowers have explained how the FBI’s “political meddling” “is dragging the criminal side [of the Bureau] down” as resources are “pulled away” from real law-enforcement duties. As a prime example, one whistleblower described how he was “told that child sexual abuse material investigations were no longer an FBI priority and should be referred to local law enforcement agencies” so that he could work a Washington- directed politically charged case instead. Such a mis-prioritization is not only a dereliction of duty, but it is a grave disservice to the victims of crimes that do not advance the FBI’s political agenda.

The Republican representatives noted that "The examples outlined in this report concern FBI abuses and misconduct primarily, due to the experiences of the whistleblowers and the conduct to which they are exposed. But because the FBI is a component of the Justice Department, it is virtually impossible to examine the FBI’s actions without also examining those of the Justice Department."

The recent examples of misconduct must properly be examined in the context of years of serious abuses from the FBI and Justice Department. As such, where necessary for context and explanation, this report includes a discussion of misconduct and abuses apparent in the Justice Department in addition to the FBI.