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Against the woke dictatorship: some celebrities go off script and criticize the trans community and cancel culture

Carlos Santana, Alice Cooper and Jennifer Aniston are some of the most recent celebrities who have spoken out against the woke ideology.

Jennifer Aniston en el estreno de 'Misterio a la vista 2' (derecha) y Carlos Santana durante un concierto en Nueva York en 2021 (izquierda). (Cordon Press)

Jennifer Aniston en el estreno de 'Misterio a la vista 2' (derecha) y Carlos Santana durante un concierto en Nueva York en 2021 (izquierda). (Cordon Press)

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Celebrities are increasingly rebelling against woke culture. Some of the most recent stars to speak out against progressive policies and their impact on society are renowned Mexican-American guitarist Carlos Santana and rocker Alice Cooper, who expressed their views specifically against trans people.

Santana, for example, made headlines after claiming that "a woman is a woman and a man is a man." "When God made you and me, before we came out of the womb, you know who you are and what you are. Later on, when you grow out of it, you see things, and you start believing that you could be something that sounds good, but you know it ain’t right. Because a woman is a woman and a man is a man. That is. Whatever you wanna do in the closet, that’s your business. I’m ok with that," Santana said at a concert in New Jersey.

Meanwhile, Alice Cooper also said he doesn't agree with six-year-olds being confused. In addition, he said that, in his opinion, it is a fad.

Cooper said in an interview on Stereogum, "I’m understanding that there are cases of transgender, but I’m afraid that it’s also a fad, and I’m afraid there’s a lot of people claiming to be this just because they want to be that. I find it wrong when you’ve got a six-year-old kid who has no idea. He just wants to play, and you’re confusing him telling him, 'Yeah, you’re a boy, but you could be a girl if you want to be.'"

"It's getting to the point where it's ridiculous"

Similarly, Cooper spoke out about cancel culture and pointed out that everyone he talks to is against woke ideas. "The whole woke thing… Nobody can answer this question. Maybe you can. Who’s making the rules? Is there a building somewhere in New York where people sit down every day and say, 'Okay, we can’t say ‘mother’ now,'" Cooper said.

"It’s getting to the point now where it’s laughable. If anybody was trying to make a point on this thing, they turned it into a huge comedy. I don’t know one person that agrees with the woke thing. I don’t know one person. Everybody I talk to says, “Isn’t it stupid?” And I’m going, “Well, I respect people. I respect people and who they are, but I’m not going to tell a seven-year-old boy, ‘Go put a dress on because maybe you’re a girl,’ and he’s going, ‘No, I’m not. I’m a boy.'"

Cooper isn't the first celebrity to speak out against cancel culture. Jennifer Aniston also explained that she is tired of artists being banned for past mistakes and said that not all people who make a mistake are like Harvey Weinstein.

Similarly, Aniston stressed that she is afraid that they will also cancel her for her statements:

I’m so over cancel culture. I probably just got canceled by saying that. I just don’t understand what it means. Is there no redemption? I don’t know. I don’t put everybody in the Harvey Weinstein basket.

Helena Bonham Carter also recently criticized cancel culture. She did so during an interview with the magazine granted to The Times after being named the first woman president of the Library of London. "Do you ban a genius for their sexual practices? There would be millions of people who if you looked closely enough at their personal life you would disqualify them. You can’t ban people. I hate to cancel culture. It has become quite hysterical and there’s a kind of witch-hunt and a lack of understanding," Bonham Carter said.

Canceled for their beliefs and thoughts

Other artists have reported that they have been canceled because of their religious beliefs or for not agreeing with cancel culture or gender ideology. This is the case of Hercules actor Kevin Sorbo.

The actor, who became famous for his role as Hercules, told Fox News that Hollywood that he was canceled because he was conservative and a Christian. The situation got so bad that the actor, who is now about to release Miracle in East Texas, even lost his agent who "blacklisted" him:

It was sad to me, you know, my manager and agent for so many years said that we can't get you jobs anymore, work with you because of you being a Christian, being a conservative. And I almost had to laugh at that because it's an industry that screams for tolerance, and yet it's a one-way street. It screams for freedom of speech. But Hollywood's a one-way street as well. And that's just too bad, you know. But I love the industry. I love the movies and TV. It was really weird. I mean, here's the thing. We have such a huge divide in our country right now, and it's perpetuated by the mainstream media, perpetuated by movies, TV. I don't harbor that kind of anger and hatred towards people. I have a different point of view.

It's not enough for progressives to simply cancel people, but they also try to boycott events or end the careers of those who do not share their ideology. However, fewer and fewer people and, fortunately, celebrities believe in the woke narrative.
