“Abolish ICE”: Hundreds of Hispanic migrants protest in NYC against Biden's asylum restrictions

Under the motto of “Together we are more,” a large group of immigrants opposed the most recent immigration measure of the Democratic president.

Multiple independent reports published on social networks showed how hundreds of Hispanic immigrants in New York City demonstrated against the most recent order signed by President Joe Biden that restricts asylum applications.

Shouting “Biden, listen, we are in the fight," "abolish ICE” and “Together we are more," the protesters in the center of New York City condemned the immigration measure of the Democratic president that would freeze asylum applications when the average number of daily encounters reach the figure of 2,500 at entry points.

“Four years ago, when he was running for president, he said he was going to support the immigrant community," protester Diana Sánchez, who questioned the Democratic president for signing the executive order, told CBS News New York.

Some reports on X showed that Hispanic migrants filled the streets of downtown New York City.

“Hundreds of migrants are marching in the streets of NYC - blocking traffic and demanding to abolish ICE,” reported reporter Wid Lyman.

In another video, widely broadcast on X, a New York citizen could be seen complaining to the protesters for blocking traffic.

Despite the criticism, it is still not certain that Biden's executive order will overcome legal challenges.

In fact, in 2018, former President Donald Trump signed a very similar executive order that was blocked in federal courts that ruled the order was a violation of asylum laws.

Asylum laws allow migrants to request humanitarian protection regardless of how they enter the country. For this reason, legal experts consider it likely that Biden's order will also be revoked.

According to the newspaper The Wall Street Journal, President Biden, informed that the order will most likely be overturned in court, signed the measure anyway under pressure from his political advisors, donors and members of the Democratic Party who warned him that he must take urgent measures against the immigration crisis if he wants to win the next elections against former President Donald Trump.