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The nurse who disclosed that Texas Children's Hospital performed trans surgeries on minors at Texas Children's Hospital reports that she has been threatened by the FBI

Vanessa Sivadge reported that the largest children's hospital in the country allegedly used Medicaid to provide free operations.

Fachada del Dell Children's Medical Center en Austin (Texas).

(Captura de Google Maps)

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Nurse Vanessa Sivadge reported that the largest children's hospital in the country allegedly used Medicaid to offer free sex change operations to children.

Now, Sivadge is claiming that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) threatened her after making the complaint. Sivadge told journalist Christopher Rufo that the FBI sent two special agents, Paul Nixon and David McBride, to her house.

Agents allegedly explained to her that she is a person of interest in an investigation targeting the whistleblower who exposed the child sex change program. According to Breitbart, she is the second hospital employee who has reported the situation. The first to do so was Dr. Ethain Haim, who leaked documents to show that the hospital had provided children with puberty-blocking medications and other gender-affirming treatments.

"They promised they would make life difficult for me if I was trying to protect the leaker. They said I was ‘not safe’ at work and claimed that someone at my workplace had given my name to the FBI," Sivadge said.

After the FBI visit, Sivadge returned to her job. She claimed that Texas Children's Hospital continued with its sex change program, but focused on patients who had reached the legal age of 18. However, Sivadge insisted that the hospital continues to perform sex change procedures irregularly. In addition, she indicated that she had access to the patients' medical records and found that there were complex psychological diagnoses.

"The largest children’s hospital in the country is illegally billing Medicaid for transgender procedures (...) It is evident that the hospital continues to believe it is above the law not just by concealing the existence of their transgender medicine program from the public, but by stealing from the federal government," Sivadge said.

Christopher Rufo also claimed that "Texas law forbade hospitals from billing Medicaid for transgender procedures. The Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual has long stated that 'sex change operations' are 'not benefits of Texas Medicaid.'"

"Texas Children’s Hospital is at the center of this national drama. Both sides—the 'gender-affirming' doctors and the whistleblowers opposed to them—face enormous risk, including the loss of medical licenses and time in prison," Rufo added in the article.
