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46% of U.S. voters oppose the 'Ivy League political elite'

A recent Rasmussen poll found that a majority of Americans oppose legacy admissions and 36% want fewer college graduates in Congress.

Edificio en Harvard.


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"Half of America's political elite received a degree from one of just 12 universities, generally Ivy League schools like Harvard and Yale." Is this a good thing?

Forty-one percent of Americans responded that this homogeneity is detrimental to the country. That's according to a recent Rasmussen national survey picked up by Just The News.

Among those who responded negatively, 26% say it is "somewhat bad" and 15% say it is "very bad." Another 21% answered that it was "neither bad nor good," while 11% said they were not sure. Only 19% responded that it was "somewhat good" and 8% said "very good".

A plurality of respondents also said that Congress would function better if there were fewer legislators with college degrees, as it would be more representative of the general population. Opposed to the 36% who answered yes, 32% said no and 32% said they were not sure.

Preferential admissions

Following the Supreme Court's ruling against affirmative action, Harvard is facing a new lawsuit over its admissions process. This time, because of legacy admissions.

Respondents, 1,000 registered voters, also weighed in on these types of admissions, which prioritize applications from children of alumni and applicants with donor ties.

Fifty-eight percent stated that this preferential treatment should be illegal. On the other hand, 23% said it should not be illegalized, and 18% were undecided.
