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Texas installs concertina wires on the border with New Mexico

The barbed wire to combat illegal immigration pits Texas Governor Greg Abbott against Democrats from the two border states.

Imagen de archivo de migrantes intentando cruzar la frontera desde México hacia Estados Unidos en Eagle Pass, Texas.

(Cordon Press)

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Gov. Greg Abbott continues to implement measures to address illegal immigration as Democrats criticize his border policies. This week, Abbott announced that a barrier has been installed along the border with New Mexico to address the immigration crisis. The Republican also shared images on his social networks in which members of the Texas National Guard are seen installing barbed wire along the border crossing.

"Migrants are entering New Mexico illegally then crossing into Texas. We are stopping it," the governor said.

"Our barriers around El Paso forced migrants crossing illegally to enter into New Mexico. They then entered into El Paso from there. To end that, we are building a barrier on the New Mexico border," the governor explained in your X account (formerly Twitter).

Democrats criticize the installation of concertinas: they damage the environment and injure immigrants

The Republican's measures have generated reactions from Democrats. The president of the Texas Democratic Party, Gilberto Hinojosa, and the president of the New Mexico Democratic Party, Jessica Velásquez, issued a statement in which they assure that the policies will generate environmental damage and injuries to the undocumented.

"New Mexico Democratic leaders believe that everyone who comes to our country in pursuit of a better life, as an asylum-seeker or otherwise, deserves just and humane treatment, and the laws of New Mexico reflect those values," they assured in the letter.

Likewise, Democrats demanded that the governor reverse his measures to confront the immigration crisis. "Texas and New Mexico Democrats condemn Abbott’s razor wire fencing along our state borders, and call for its removal, effective immediately," they added.

The governor's decision came at a time when the Border Patrol recorded 218,777 encounters across the southern border in September, according to data obtained by the Daily Caller, and shared by the governor on his X account. This would be the highest figure recorded for the month dating back to at least 2000.

"Illegal border crossings reached another record high for September. Texas will use every tool available to respond," Abbott said when sharing the information.

"I called Special Session #3 to criminalize illegal entry and authorize licensed law enforcement to remove immigrants who enter Texas illegally," the governor added.

The majority of citizens agree with reinforcing the border

Despite the position of the Democrats, the reality is that the majority of Americans agree with policies similar to those being applied by the governor of Texas. 71% of citizens consider that the level of border security is not strict enough, according to a Fox News survey.

Meanwhile, another Rasmussen survey revealed that 73% of Americans approved of the decision to continue building the physical barrier on the border with Mexico. Among Democratic supporters, the figure reached 62%, among Republicans, 86%.
