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Germany: Another conservative politician is stabbed in the town of Mannheim

At least three people are believed to be involved in the attack on Heinrich Koch, who was hospitalized with minor injuries. One of the attackers has been arrested.

Captura de pantalla de un vídeo ofrecido por Mannheim M

(YouTube: Mannheimer Morgen)

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German authorities reported this Tuesday the stabbing of another right-wing politician in the town of Mannheim. On this occasion, at least three people attacked Heinrich Koch, a conservative candidate in the local elections for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) political party.

In Mannheim, our city council candidate Heinrich Koch was injured with a knife when confronted by sign vandals. Our members and representatives are the most frequent victims of political violence and destruction. That can't stop us. We wish you a fast recovery, Heinrich!

The attack, which local newspaper Die Welt reported took place at 10:45 p.m. local time near the market square, ended with Koch, 62, hospitalized with minor injuries to his ear and stomach after receiving several stab wounds. "We are shocked and dismayed," AfD state president Markus Frohnmaier told the German newspaper after learning of the attack on Heinrich Koch.

Left-wing extremist, suspected attacker in Mannheim attack

For their part, the authorities assured that they had managed to arrest one of the attackers while the other two people involved in the crime remain on the run. According to a video that AfD sent to the German news agency DPA, the alleged attacker could be a left-wing extremist. The footage shows Koch running after a young man carrying election signs in his hand while yelling at him: "Stop! Stand there!" After this, we see, in a blurry way, how the man attacks the politician with a cutter.

Video: Here left-wing extremist stabs AfD man Heinrich Koch!

The event occurs just a few days after another politician critical of Islamization and belonging to the same party, Michael Stürzenberger, was also attacked in the same city of Mannheim. On that occasion, the attack ended with one police officer dead and five other people injured.
