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Statistical proof that the UN publishes falsified death figures provided by Hamas

The terrorist group claims that Israeli attacks disproportionately kill children and women, but the numbers seem implausible.

Onu, Hamas, cifras falsas

(Cordon Press)

A pro-Israel journalist published an extensive “thread” on the social network X (formerly Twitter) to expose how the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is publishing falsified death figures provided by Hamas stemming from the Israeli reprisals after the brutal attacks on October 7.

According to the reporter, who works for HonestReporting and NGO Monitor, the UN agency is publishing figures provided by authorities in Gaza on its website without independently verifying them.

The author denounces that the figures for deaths of children and women are inflated and that the fact can be verified by following the statistical patterns of the reports published by OCHA itself.

“It is immediately obvious that Hamas does not report ANY combatant deaths & the numbers amazingly seem to indicate that IDF bombs & bullets disproportionately hit women, children & elderly. They [sic] IDF CANNOT seem to hit too many fighting age men. But the numbers are faked,” said the reporter, who went on to explain the statistical patterns.

The reporter explained that October 19 was the first time it became clear that the number of deaths of children and women was inflated.

That day, Hamas reported 3,785 deaths to the agency compared to 3,478 the previous day, which implied an increase of 307 deaths. However, the number of dead children rose from 853 to 1,524, which is 671 more, meaning that in the October 18 report, child deaths were 25%, but the next day they increased to 40%. There was no detailed explanation of how that number increased.

“The running count continues from 1,524 until today. No questioning, no skepticism from UN, NGOs or media on how the children killed number jumps all of a sudden. But there are more falsifications at later dates,” the author denounces.

On October 26, Hamas reported 7,028 fatalities as a result of Israeli reprisals compared to 6,547 the previous day; that is, 481 more victims. However, the number of women and children killed increased by 626 that same day. In these reports, it was never reported how many adult men died.

On October 29, the statistical discrepancies went further: Hamas reported 302 new fatalities, of which 199 were women and 129 children, that is, a total of 328 or 26 more than the total number of fatalities reported.

On October 31, Hamas said the death toll had risen to 8,525 victims, up from 8,309 the previous day, an increase of 216.

That day, the new deaths of women and children were 210, meaning only six men of any age died that day, according to Hamas data published by the UN agency. Statistically, that represents a tiny 2.8%.

Something similar happened on November 7, the author concluded: Hamas reported a total of 10,328 fatalities compared to 10,022 the previous day, equalling 306 new victims. However, deaths of women and children were placed at 302. That is, only four men died that day, a figure that barely represents 1.3% of the total victims of that day.
