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New documents point to Palestinian civilian involvement in Oct. 7 massacre

Several survivors showed images of women and children in the attacked compounds, while a former Intelligence chief denounces that dozens of hostages were taken to Gaza as "pets" by participants in the 'razzia.'

Terroristas de Hamás tomando el control de una unidad militar israelí

(Cordon Press)

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The image of an attack carried out by millimeter-coordinated terrorists on October 7 that left innocent Palestinian civilians exposed to the Israeli response has exploded in recent hours. Especially with regard to the "innocence" of the population of Gaza, since several survivors denounced with graphic documentation that women and children joined in the looting of the assaulted kibbutzim. Furthermore, the former head of the Mossad's MIA and Hostages unit, Rami Igra, noted in an interview that dozens of hostages are being held by participants in the raid who took "Israeli pets" on their return home.

Women and children on bicycles in the kibbutz

At an event, several survivors of the massacre told their experience to the media and showed images of what happened that day. According to Breitbart, Eyal Barad, from Kibbutz Nir Oz, obtained photographs of Palestinian women and children between 10 and 14 years old riding bikes in the attacked premises, thanks to a fixed camera installed in his home, while he and his family hid in a safe room. Another secure camera managed to keep Natalie Yohanan alive, while they listened to women cooking in their kitchen, in addition to stealing their stored food and even feminine care items.

What happened has led Iri Lava, another survivor who defended peace with the Palestinians and cried out for the innocent people affected by the conflict, to radically change her vision and her speech. Now, Lavat points out that for her there are no differences between Hamas terrorists and the rest of the Palestinian population. In addition, she reported that the credit cards stolen in the raid were used less than four hours later to purchase goods in the Gaza Strip.

More than 60 hostages, in the hands of individuals

In an interview at i24 News, Rami Igra said that Hamas would hold about 150 of the 242 kidnapped people recognized by the Jewish State, while the Islamic Jihad would hide about 30. This makes the situation for release even more complicated. The former agent assured presenter Laura Cellier that the dispersion of the kidnapped people in multiple separate locations considerably complicates both a release operation and reaching an agreement that includes all the kidnapped people. Especially since there are dozens (about 62, according to the calculations of the Israeli intelligence services) who would be held by private individuals after the attacks.

Hamas only has 150 of our hostages, Jihad has declared that it has 30 and the rest are in the hands of riff raff that have gone into our Kibbutzim and taking home their pet israeli in tow.

Hamas devised a much bloodier attack

Furthermore, as published by The Washington Post, the attack originally designed by the terrorists failed to be executed. According to several intelligence reports to which the newspaper has had access, Hamas leaders show they hoped to penetrate much deeper into Israeli territory, cause even greater carnage and hold out for a longer period of time in the attacked compounds.
