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Hamas hands 10-month-old baby hostage to another Palestinian terrorist group

IDF Arab media spokesman, Avichay Adraee, said Hamas hands over the abductees to other criminal organizations as "booty."

Hamás entrega como rehén a un bebé 10 meses a otro grupo terrorista palestino


The IDF's Arab media spokesperson, Avichay Adraee, revealed that a 10-month-old Israeli baby and his family - kidnapped by Hamas - were handed over as hostages to another Palestinian terrorist group.

Adraee revealed that the Bibas family, made up of the baby (named Kfir ), his 4-year-old brother (named Ariel), and his parents, "who were kidnapped from their home in Nir Oz by a member of the Hamas terrorist organization, are being held in the Khan Yunis area by another of the Palestinian factions":

In the Hamas prison, children under one year old who have not seen the light for more than 50 days are detained. Hamas treats them as if they were loot and sometimes hands them over to other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. For example, the Bibas family, the two red-haired children 'The Reds,' were kidnapped from their home in Nir Oz by a member of the terrorist organization Hamas, and are held in the Khan Yunis area by another of the Palestinian factions.

Noah Abrahams - the aunt of the kidnapped children - told The Telegraph that her family is living in "times of great uncertainty" and that the latest knowledge about their whereabouts is "simply more psychological torture."

Hamas loses hostages

Qatari Prime Minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani, told the Financial Times that the whereabouts of around 40 of the Hamas hostages are currently unknown. When asked about the extension of the truce established by Israel with the terrorist group, al-Thani responded:

If they find more women and children, there will be an extension. We still do not have clear information about how many they can find because. . . One of the purposes is that they [Hamas] have time to search for the rest of the missing people.

With these comments, the Qatari prime minister makes it clear that there are kidnapped people who were lost or transferred by Hamas. Others may have been kidnapped by other criminal groups. Hypotheses suggest that these people may be held by Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorists, who allegedly claimed to have 30 prisoners:

According to sources familiar with the details of the agreement, there are hostages who meet the criteria established by Hamas to be released, but they are not in the hands of Hamas but detained in the Gaza Strip by other terrorist organizations, such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.