Ecuador: Lasso dissolves National Assembly and calls for presidential elections
The President blamed the leftist opposition for "having as a political project the destabilization of the Government, of democracy and of the State".

(Presidencia de la República del Ecuador)
The president of EcuadorGuillermo Lasso, has signed an executive decree using article 148 of the Constitution - commonly referred to as the cross death- to dissolve the National Assembly and call for new presidential elections after the opposition impeachment proceedings against him for alleged misappropriation of public funds.
In an appearance on the public channel along with several members of his cabinet, Lasso argued his decision that the country "needs a new political and social pact that will allow it to emerge from the crisis", and that the country "needs a new political and social pact that will allow it to emerge from the crisis". of the serious political crisis in which the country finds itself. and that unfortunately is getting deeper every day".
Lasso blamed the dissolution of the National Assembly and the calling of new elections on the opposition led by the leftist Movimiento de Revolución Ciudadana party for being , in his opinion, focused on destabilizing the country and his mandate:
Rafael Correa: "What Lasso is doing is illegal".
Rafael Correa, former Ecuadorian leftist president and leader of the Citizen Revolution Movement, assured that this decision is "He hopes that the new elections will serve to "get rid of Lasso, his government and his rented assembly members and recover the homeland":
On May 9, the National Assembly of Ecuador decided to enable impeachment against President Guillermo Lasso, after the approval of 88 of the 116 assembly members, for allegedly embezzling public fundsThe crime was allegedly committed as a result of an irregular contract between the state-owned company Flota Petrolera Ecuatoriana (FLOPEC) and the private company Amazonas Tanker. Eight days later, the president defended his innocence before the plenary.