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Police search Andrew Tate's house in Romania again

The British kickboxing influencer and former kickboxing fighter was arrested in the European country in March this year along with his brother. Both are accused of committing sexual assault, human exploitation and money laundering.

Andrew Tate, polémico influencer y exboxeador estadounidense.

British kickboxing influencer and kickboxing fighter Andrew Tate.Wikimedia Commons

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Romanian police once again raided the home of Andrew Tate in search of evidence to corroborate his alleged crime of having sex with minors as well as allegedly committing other crimes of sexual assault, exploitation of persons and money laundering.

Given this, reported AP, the DIICOT (the Romanian agency against organized crime) reported that it had searched four houses in Bucharest and in the Ilfov district and that they would hold a press conference in a few hours to unveil their findings. 

In addition, the agency assured through a statement that it sent dozens of police and forensic medical personnel to inspect the house, but that the rights of the accused would be respected:

"During the entire criminal process, the investigated persons benefit from the procedural rights and guarantees provided by the Code of Criminal Procedure, as well as the presumption of innocence."Press release from the Romanian agency against organized crime.

Tate's spokesman, Mateea Petrescu, confirmed that authorities were searching the influencer's homes and that the British national's legal team was present during the raid.

"Although the charges in the search warrant are not yet fully clarified, they include suspicions of human trafficking and money laundering."Mateea Petrescu, spokesperson for Andrew Tate.

The British influencer and former kickboxing fighter was arrested in Romania in March this year along with his brother. The two were charged in 2022 with committing crimes of sexual assault, exploitation of people and money laundering in 2016 and it was determined that a trial would take place, the date of which has not yet been set. 

Meanwhile, the Bucharest Court announced that as of last July 5 the brothers could leave Romania, the country where they had been held since their arrest, provided they travel to one of the 27 member countries of the European Union.

A permission that was short-lived since, a day after the search of the British influencer's homes, the Bucharest Court decided to place Andrew Tate under house arrest, as reported by NBC News. A decision they made after arresting, 24 hours earlier, the former kickboxing fighter and his brother as well as four other people, all involved in a new crime of trafficking of minors and having sex with a minor.
