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"War on Police": two officers shot to death in Chicago and Ada County (Idaho)

The Fraternal Order of Police reports that so far in 2024, the record for officers shot has been broken, with 98 as of March.

Policías de Nueva Jersey vigilan la escena de un crimen en agosto de 2023.

(Cordon Press)

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Two police officers were shot and killed overnight Saturday into Sunday in Chicago and Ada County (Idaho). The Windy City deputy was shot several times while heading home after finishing his shift, while a sheriff's deputy was shot during a traffic stop in Boise. The Fraternal Order of Police reported that the number of officers shot is breaking records during 2024, with 98 firearm assaults recorded during the first quarter of the year.

Killed after finishing his shift in Chicago

Agent Luis M. Huesca was shot multiple times when he was returning home in his vehicle after finishing his work day. The superintendent of the city Police Department, Larry Snelling, pointed out that the facts are still being investigated, which seem to indicate that the cause of the attack was the theft of the car. "We can't confirm that right now, but detectives are working through it. What we do know is that the officer's vehicle was taken. But to get to the total motive of what happened, we need more information and the detective division is working on that," he said, before acknowledging that as yet, no suspect has been arrested.

Our officer was headed home after his tour of duty. While returning home, the officer was shot multiple times. He was working hard out there to keep communities and to keep people safe, and today that officer was a victim of the type of crime that he was working against to keep people safe in this city. There's a lot of violent crime out here and there are people who are brazen and cowardly in the way they go about their days and carry out these violent acts against the decent hardworking people of this city, who are just trying to live their lives the right way. It has to stop.

Shot at traffic stop in Idaho

In Boise, Ada County (Idaho) Sheriff's Deputy Tobin Bolter died after being shot during a traffic stop. Bolter approached the window of a vehicle when its occupant opened fire and fled. Police found the vehicle abandoned hours later. The suspect was later killed in a confrontation with officers.

One officer shot every 22 hours in 2024

The Fraternal Order of the Police denounced that in 2024 there is a real "war on Police" with 98 officers having been shot - 20 of them in ambushes - during the first three months of the year. These figures mean that an agent is assaulted with a firearm every 22 hours, "exceeding the historical figures" of the previous year. The numbers in April are not giving a respite, with at least 15 police officers (5 dead) injured by gunshots between the 10th and 20th of the month.
