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Mexico will refuse to receive immigrants expelled by Texas

SB4 makes unauthorized border crossing a state crime and therefore allows police to arrest illegals.

Los miembros de la Guardia Nacional de Texas impiden el acceso a un conjunto de migrantes que buscan asilo en los Estados Unidos


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The Government of Mexico warned that it will not receive immigrants, even if they are of Mexican nationality, that the authorities of the state of Texas expel under the law that would allow the detention of those without papers, which has become a point of confrontation between the federal and state governments of Texas and and has led to a judicial tug-of-war.

"Mexico reiterates its legitimate right to protect the rights of its nationals in the United States and to establish its own internment policies in its territory. Mexico recognizes the importance of a uniform immigration policy and bilateral efforts with that country so that the migration of people is safe, orderly and with respect for their human rights, and is not affected by state or local legislative decisions. In that sense, Mexico will not accept, under any circumstances, repatriations by the state of Texas," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote in a statement.

Accordingly, the Secretariat maintained that Texas' immigration policy, in its opinion, would be discriminatory:

"The Government of Mexico, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), disapproves the entry into force of the SB4 law in Texas, which aims to stop the flow of migrants through criminalization, promoting the separation of families, discrimination and racial profiling that violate the human rights of the migrant community.

The position of the Mexican Government is known at a time when the Texas law against illegal immigration is once again on hold following a decision by the Court of Appeals. And it was not many hours after the Supreme Court gave the green light to the Texas law that allows the State Police to arrest illegal immigrants, when a Court of Appeals again suspended the measure.

After a day of strong legal tensions, when the Supreme Court of Justice, in a 180-degree turn, allowed the so-called Law SB4 to come into force, The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, just before midnight, voted 2-1 to block Texas' power again —while the federal appeal is ongoing.
