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'The very worst thing to do is turn somebody away who wants an abortion': Clinic owner proud of killing babies up to 34 weeks old

At 34 weeks' gestation, most babies are already in position for delivery and those that are born are "well developed," according to the Nemours Children's Health medical journal.

Archivo | Cordon Press

Aborto/ Archivo | Cordon Press

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Morgan Nuzzo is an advanced practice nurse-midwife who founded Partners in Abortion Care in College Park, Md., about a year ago. She did so in partnership with Diane Horvath, an obstetrician and gynecologist. In a recent interview, Nuzzo explained unabashedly that her center has allowed abortions of pregnancies up to 34 weeks.

"Between 20 and 34 [weeks’ gestation]. And then we’ll see first-trimester patients, too. That would make a much higher number; we can see a lot more first-tri patients," Nuzzo responded when asked what the gestational ages of pregnancies she sees during an interview with Maryland Matters.

At 34 weeks' gestation, as explained by the medical journal Nemours Children's Health, "most babies will be in position for delivery. ... Babies born at 34 weeks usually have fairly well-developed lungs, and their average size of 5 pounds (2,250 grams) and 12.6 inches (32 cm) from crown to rump allows them to survive outside the womb without extensive medical intervention."

But, in addition, Nuzzo regretted that she often has to refuse to perform the procedure because the pregnancy is too advanced. The worst thing one can do, she says, "is turn somebody away who wants an abortion."

"The very worst thing to do is turn somebody away who wants an abortion. It’s a terrible feeling to take someone’s choice from them. I’m not saying abortion is for everyone. Some people get here and they choose not to continue, and that’s wonderful. But to say, someone who wants to not be pregnant anymore, and to say, 'You have no other options' is a terrible thing to have to do to somebody," Nuzzo added.

She also noted that she advises women from states such as Texas and Idaho, where abortion is illegal, to have abortions in Maryland.

"We talk to our Texas patients. You know, it’s not illegal in Maryland. We can tell them the services that they can get. We often do have to do some patient education with people while they’re here and be like, ‘You know if you go home, it’s illegal in your home state, right?’ I think some people know and some people don’t really," explained.

However, Nuzzo acknowledged that there has been a drop in the number of patients at her clinic. She also asked citizens to donate money to continue pushing for abortions in the country.

"We want your readers to know that they can support their local abortion fund. That money really, really matters. It’s not just going into this pot that’s not going anywhere; it’s going directly to patients so that they can get seen. We work with over 40 abortion funds, and we couldn’t do this without their support," she said in the interview with the Maryland-based publication.
