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Another wall in the north?

The arrival of immigrants across the Canadian border has skyrocketed almost 600% since Biden's term began. Nearly 85% of detained migrants who are on the terrorist watchlist come from the north.

Imagen aérea de la Frontera de Quebec

(Photo by Sebastien ST-JEAN / AFP)

With all eyes on the migration crisis at the southern border, the record for migrant encounters at the northern border was broken during fiscal year 2023. In total, 189,402 immigrants entered from the north, 73% more than the previous year and 597% more than in 2021, when Biden arrived to the White House. As if this were not enough, 85% of detained migrants who are on the terrorist watchlist were arrested in this area, which represents a serious threat to national security. While regional Border Patrol officials have called for reinforcements, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu created a state task force to protect this border. Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy went further by calling for the construction of a wall.

The explosion of a vehicle on the northern border raises questions about security

The explosion of a vehicle on the border between the U.S. and Canada, which was investigated as a possible terrorist attack, revived the debate on the situation of the northern border as a potential risk for the entry of people who intend to commit attacks in the country. Although the investigations into this event finally determined that it was not terrorist-related, the debate on how to defend this region remains open.

The first to demand a solution were Border Patrol officers assigned to the states bordering Canada. It is the largest international border in the world, at 5,525 miles. For context, the U.S.-Mexico border is 1,900 miles long. The northern border has varied and complicated terrain which includes mountains, rivers, lakes, forests and winter temperatures that pose a serious risk for those who try to enter the United States illegally. However, Ramaswamy stated on social media in October that entering in certain areas is "easier than the Rio Grande."

Border Patrol warns of risks and calls for reinforcements

Border Patrol members agree with Ramaswamy, but there are nuances. On one hand, they demand reinforcements and money to be able to face the brutal influx of illegal migrants at this border. However, on the other, they warn of the mortal danger that asylum seekers who venture to make the journey in winter are exposing themselves to. As highlighted by Robert García, head of the force in the Swanton sector, the risk extends to CBP agents and first responders answering to distress calls from people whose lives are at risk.

New Hampshire creates task force to protect its stretch of northern border

Given the inactivity from the Biden administration, Republican Governor Chris Sununu of New Hampshire made the decision to protect the border area in his state with the creation of a special task force. Initially, this force will be under the supervision of Attorney General John M. Formella and will be staffed by agents from state security forces, to which members of county and local law enforcement are expected to be added. Although it will work independently, Sununu made it clear that it will collaborate with the federal Border Patrol when necessary.

Ramaswamy proposes the creation of a wall on the northern border

Ramaswamy went a step further by calling for the construction of a second border wall in the north. "It’s not ‘Build-the-Wall’ anymore. It’s Build *Both* Walls," he noted in reference to the border with Canada on X, formerly Twitter, in October. The businessman also warned of the increase in human and drug trafficking also in this area, something that authorities and investigators have been speaking out about for some time.
