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Hate crimes in California increased by 20.2% in 2022

The state Attorney General's Office released its annual report on attacks against people for their religion, race and sexual orientation.

Imagen de una manifestación contra los delitos de odio.


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California Attorney General Rob Bonta announced that hate crimes increased by 20.2% in 2022 compared to 2021. Specifically, there were 357 more hate crimes in 2022, 2,120 to be exact, up from 1,763 in 2021.

"This report is a stark reminder that there is still much work to be done to combat hate in our state. I urge local partners and law enforcement to analyze these findings and recommit to taking action," reported Bonta in a press release. "Our office continues to work with law enforcement, elected leaders and community organizations across the state to increase awareness and bolster responses to hate crimes. An attack against one of us is an attack against all of us. The alarming increase in crimes committed against Black, LGBTQ+ and Jewish people for the second year in a row illustrates the need for our communities to join together unified against hate. It takes all of us working together to combat extremism and foster a safe and inclusive environment for all Californians. Now, more than ever, it is critical we stand united- there is no place for hate in California."

Regarding hate crimes by religious belief, the community that suffered the greatest increase was the Protestant community, which went from two attacks in 2021 to 12 in 2022. This was followed by the Muslim population, with a 28% increase, and the Jewish population, which experienced 24.3% more hate crimes. The California Attorney General's Office did not mention hate crimes against Catholics.

The report also analyzed attacks on racial communities. African Americans experienced a 27.1% rise in hate crimes whereas attacks targeted toward Hispanics increased by 6.2%. Attacks toward Asians went down by 43.3% in 2022 compared to 2021.

Finally, the California Attorney General's Office lists hate crimes based on sexual status. By sexual orientation, there was a 29% increase between the two years. Attacks against trans people increased by 36%; against gay men, by 28.4%; and, against lesbians, by 18.2%.
