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Activists plan a Trans Day of Vengeance

The organizers have reportedly collected donations to be used for weapons training, reports the Daily Wire.

Convocatoria al Día de la Venganza Trans publicada en TikTok por


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"We want more than visibility, let's stop trans genocide." With this message, transgender activist groups will convene for a Trans Day of Vengeance in Washington.

The rally will be held in front of the Supreme Court next Friday and Saturday, according to the Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN). "The Trans/Non-Binary/Gender Non-Conforming/Intersex communities are facing astronomical amounts of hate from the world," TRAN said, justifying the call for action. Trans activist Sylvia Rivera said:

I was a radical revolutionist. I still am a revolutionist…I am glad I was in the Stonewall Riot. I remember when someone threw a Molotov cocktail, I thought, “My god, the revolution is here. The revolution is finally here?”

According to the Daily Wire, the organization is raising funds for firearms training. On the website they ask for donations for "direct action" but do not detail what the requested funds will be used for. The accounts associated with the call (@Trans_Radical, @OurRightsDC and @VA_TRAN22) are "protected" on Twitter, meaning that only their approved followers can see their posts.

"Dance party fundraiser! Benefiting firearm/self defense training for trans Virginians. Come boogie with us and defend trans life!" reads a tweet from the Virginia affiliate of TRAN, according to Daily Wire.

The organization's profile on TikTok is still open to the general public. There, they have also promoted next weekend's protest and even reference the Nashville massacre.

From “visibility” to “vengance”

TRAN co-founder Tsukuru Fors explained in an interview that he had renamed Trans Day of Visibility (March 31) to Trans Day of Vengeance because "visibility" was no longer enough. Wion News further reorted that Fors emphasized that "vengeance" means "fighting back with vehemence."

It is our battle cry to declare to the world that we the transgender/non-binary communities will neither be silenced nor eradicated. And we are calling to our allies, members of other marginalised communities to make themselves known and to fight with us.

Tsukuru Fors is a certified yoga teacher and healer, according to the website of the organization she leads. At the age of 29, she declared herself a lesbian, and at 50, transgender. The same website says that Fors’ co-founder, Noah Buchanan, worked for over 10 years in the mental health field and has a degree in Political Science and Queer Studies.
