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Methamphetamine presence forces closure of two Colorado Springs libraries

Samples found in two bathrooms exceeded the contamination limits established by Colorado for residential buildings.

Biblioteca Carnegie, situada en el Distrito

(Goolge Maps)

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The Pikes Peak Library District (PPLD) in Colorado Springs, Colo., temporarily closed several of its facilities after traces of methamphetamine were detected. Specifically the drug was found in the restrooms of the East Library and the Special Collections Carnegie Library, the latter located in the Penrose Library complex.

In a statement, the PPLD specified the range of methamphetamine contamination found at both locations:

Samples taken from East Library and the Special Collections Carnegie Library showed that one restroom in each location contained contamination at levels measuring above the minimum limit that the state has set for residential buildings of 0.25 micrograms per 100 centimeters, but below the maximum threshold of 0.5 micrograms per 100 centimeters.

The PPLD stated that they are cooperating with the authorities, and they confirmed that the libraries will remain closed until at least the end of next week.
