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Gynecologists dismantle establishment fake news about abortion

93% of specialists do not perform elective abortions. The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists reminded that no legislation prevents saving the life of a pregnant woman.



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American obstetricians and gynecologists are committed to providing vital medical care to pregnant women without resorting to abortion. The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) released a report in which it demolishes several myths about abortion spread by the left and the establishment media in the wake of the judgment overturning Roe vs. Wade.

AAPLOG picked up a 2017 report from the (pro-abortion) Guttmacher Institute that found that just 7% of the country's obstetrician-gynecologists perform abortions. According to the medical association,"93 percent of practicing obstetrician-gynecologists do not perform abortions, although they have always been able to provide life-saving treatment for women and will continue to be able to do so regardless of state abortion laws."

The pro-life medical association stressed that physicians trained to "discern when to intervene to save life of a mother. In this sense, he pointed out that "elective abortion is not life-saving medical care," distinguishing those cases in which the life of the unborn is lost due to medical complications from those in which the baby is intentionally killed. No legislation, they recalled, prevents saving the life of a pregnant woman when she is in danger.

Dismantling the myths of the left

Physicians denounced the confusion created by misinformation, which in their opinion leaves women unsure about the possibility of receiving adequate medical care. That is why AAPLOG wanted to share a document that clarifies the myths and misconceptions encouraged from the left and disseminated by numerous media outlets.

Aaplog Myth v Fact by VozMedia on Scribd

In this document, the association dismantles nine pro-abortion myths spread after Dobbs vs. Jackson. Some of these myths assert that abortions are necessary to save mothers' lives; that women with ectopic pregnancies or miscarriages will not receive adequate care; or that maternal mortality rates will increase after Roe is overturned.

AAPLOG contrasted all this information with medical data and studies that refute the fake news disseminated by the corporate media in their furious reaction to the Supreme Court ruling on abortion.
