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In a powerful speech, Netanyahu accuses the UN of being "a swamp of antisemitic bile"

The prime minister reviewed the dozens of attacks Israelis have endured since Oct. 7, reaffirmed their right to exist and condemned the General Assembly for allowing anti-Semitism for decades.

Benjamin NetanyahuPhoto by Charly Triballeau / AFP)

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Israel's prime minister gave a memorable speech Friday at the United Nations General Assembly. Benjamin Netanyahu said he had not intended to attend this year as his country is facing a terrible war but decided to do so because it was necessary to clear up all the lies that have been told about Israel. He accused the U.N. of being "a swamp of antisemitic bile" and claimed that for decades they have enabled anti-Semitism.

Netanyahu opened his speech by recalling the horrific acts that occurred on October 7, emphasizing the extreme violence and cruelty of Hamas, citing instances of women being raped, babies burned alive, and entire families killed. He then asked the families of the abductees who were present in the auditorium to stand up, once again vowing that he would not rest until those kidnapped by Hamas are brought home. 

He then detailed the danger Iran poses to the free world. He claimed that the Iranian regime is a threat to every country in the Middle East and many others worldwide. He emphasized that governments sensitive to these threats should not only support Israel in its fight against Iran but also unite to halt Iran's nuclear weapons program. Netanyahu urged the Security Council to impose all necessary sanctions to prevent Iran from advancing its nuclear weapons capabilities. He emphasized that while Israel's actions have slowed Iran's program perhaps for decades, they have not completely halted it, stressing the need for decisive action to ensure the security of all nations. 

Furthermore, Netanyahu pointed out how Hamas terrorists steal the food intended for civilians that aid organizations send with Israel's cooperation. He condemned their actions, noting that they not only steal the food for themselves but also sell it at inflated prices to their own people. He warned that if Hamas remains in power and controls all resources, including food, they will reorganize and continue to attack Israel repeatedly. "So Hamas has got to go."

He insisted that it makes no sense and is ridiculous to include Hamas in a Gaza reconstruction project.

"Imagine allowing the defeated Nazis in 1945 to rebuild Germany. It's inconceivable. It's ridiculous. It didn't happen then. It's not going to happen now." Netanyahu said he is ready to work with local and other nation leaders to support a civilian local administration in Gaza.

"This war can come to an end now. All that has to happen is for Hamas to surrender, lay down its arms and release all the hostages. But if they don't - if they don't - we will fight until we achieve total victory. Total victory. There is no substitute for it," said the prime minister.

He also stressed that Hezbollah must be eradicated, emphasizing the threat the terrorist organization poses not only to Israel but also to the United States and other countries. "Just imagine if terrorists turned El Paso and San Diego into ghost towns. How long would the American government tolerate that? Yet Israel has been tolerating this intolerable situation for almost a year. Well, I've come here today to say: Enough is enough," he said, claiming that Israel has the fight and the obligation to fight Hezbollah to ensure that its citizens can return home and live safely. 

Later, Netanyahu posed a question to those present: do their governments want to stand with democracy or align with evil? He acknowledged that for some, the decision is not easy because of the myriad of lies told about Israel. He stated that Israel has been accused of genocide while it is actually derfending itself against the genocide being perpetrated against it. He noted claims that Israel allows Palestinians to starve to death, countering that the country has facilitated the delivery of 700 tons of food to Gaza. He said, "that's more than 3,000 calories a day for each person." Netanyahu also addressed accusation of civilian casualties, emphasiazing that Israel takes extensive measures to avoid harming civilians. He mentioned that Israel warns civilians ahead of operations, sending messages through drones to ensure safe evacuations, while Hamas uses civilians as human shields.

Finally, he claimed that all the speeches at the U.N. condemning Israel are not truly about Gaza but rather about Israel. He emphasized Israel's right to be treated like any other nation at the U.N. He referenced the consideration of an arrest warrant and pointed out the anti-Semitism present within that organization. Despite these challenges, he assured that Israel will continue to fight regardless of the obstacles. "We will win this battle because we don't have a choice. After generations in which our people were slaughtered, remorselessly butchered, and no one raised a finger in our defense. We now have a state, we now have a brave army and we will defend ourselves."
