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Mike Pompeo warns of Iran's electoral intrusion and criticizes Biden for pursuing 'a program of weakness and appeasement'

The former secretary of state noted that the Islamist regime "will do everything it can to meddle in our democracy to support Kamala Harris" and prevent a second Trump administration.

Mike Pompeo, former secretary of stateCordon Press

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Mike Pompeo, former secretary of state during the Trump administration, criticized the current government for failing to prevent Iran from interfering in the presidential elections in November. The Islamist regime's goal is to prevent the Republican nominee from returning to the White House.

"It is not surprising that the Iranian regime would want to do everything in its power to prevent a second Trump administration. The Biden-Harris administration, on the other hand, has pursued a program of weakness and appeasement, and Iran is flush with cash and powerful once more as a result," Pompeo said in statements reported by Fox News.

According to an intelligence report, Iran wants the Democrats, whether with Kamala Harris or another nominee, to continue to lead the United States because their policy of "weakness and appeasement" benefits the Islamist regime.

"It will do everything it can to meddle in our democracy to support Kamala Harris, who will continue the same policies of weakness and keep the regime rich and powerful."Mike Pompeo, former secretary of state

That same report revealed that U.S. intelligence "observed Tehran working to influence the presidential election," adding that the Islamist regime "despises" the United States and its values.
