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Where is Biden? Concerns and pressures arise over president's absence following his resignation from candidacy

Although the White House Doctor says the president continues to perform "all of his presidential duties," some are demanding proof of life.

Joe Biden el 16 de julio de 2024.

Joe Biden at the College of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas, Nevada.Kent Nishimura / AFP

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Social media is exploding with requests for proof of life from President Joe Biden after five days without public appearances. Biden was last seen in public last Wednesday night, when he landed in Delaware and disembarked from Air Force One in Dover.

The president after being diagnosed with COVID-19, paused his electoral campaign events and surprised last Sunday with the announcement he made through X, that he would no longer seek re-election for 2024. In his statement, the president promised to speak publicly about his decision, he has not yet done so, which has increased speculation about his whereabouts and state of health.

Reports indicate that, as of Sunday afternoon, the president's top advisors were convinced he would remain in the race, which has also left more questions than answers.

Jeff Blehar, a writer for National Review, expressed serious doubts about the process by which Biden concluded his campaign. Blehar noted that the withdrawal announcement appeared to have been written by someone else and that the president has not been seen in public since, increasing uncertainty about his health status. He further noted that Biden's endorsement of Kamala Harris was communicated through a tweet sent from an account that does not belong to the president.

As if this were not enough, Frank Biden, the president's younger brother, confirmed that concerns about Biden's health played a crucial role in the decision to halt his campaign.

Proof-of-life requests.

Among the Republicans who have expressed concern is Representative Lauren Boebert, who has demanded that Biden appear in person by 5 p.m. Monday to make his decision to withdraw official.

Matt Johnson, a Florida House Republican, also added to the doubts with a post on X asking, "Where is Joe Biden, and who's really running this country?"

Other Republican figures, such as Keith Self and Chip Roy have also raised similar concerns on social media, and the questioning and requests for proof of life have not ceased

White House statement.

Amid the growing concern, the White House issued a tweet assuring that “President Biden's covid symptoms have almost completely resolved, and he continues to perform all of his presidential duties," according to an update from Dr. Kevin O'Connor, the president's doctor. However, the president continues to offer no evidence of life, maintaining speculation and doubts about his condition.

Requests for proof of life on social media on the rise
