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The governor of Wisconsin vetoed the law that prohibited the participation of trans people in women's sports categories

Former athletes like Gaines or Navratilova harshly criticize Tony Evers' measure and call on the legislature to reach the 2/3 majority necessary to revoke it.

Lia Thomas (c) y otro

Los nadadores trans Lia Thomas (c) e Iszac Henig (I), primero y segundo en una competición femenina. (

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The governor of Wisconsin, Democrat Tony Evers, vetoed the law passed by the state legislature to prohibit the participation of trans people in women's sports categories. Evers accused Republicans of approving a bill "anti-LGBTQ" law and justified his rejection with the classic populist slogan that "LGBTQ children deserve our love and respect and support like any other child," without entering into the harm suffered by athletes compared to the physical advantages of biological men.

Evers calls himself a champion of LGBTQ children

Surrounded by progressive Democratic legislators and trans activists, Evers proclaimed himself a champion of the state's LGBTQ children and denounced that these types of laws "embolden anti-LGBTQ harassment, intimidation and violence, and threaten the safety and dignity of "LGBTQ Wisconsinites"

This type of legislation, and the harmful rhetoric engendered by its supporters, harms LGBTQ Wisconsinites and children's mental health, emboldens anti-LGBTQ harassment, intimidation and violence, and threatens the safety and dignity of LGBTQ Wisconsinites, especially our LGBTQ kids. I will veto any bill that makes Wisconsin a less safe, less inclusive, and less welcoming place for LGBTQ people and children. And I will continue to keep my promise to use every power at my disposal to defend them, protect their rights, and keep them safe.

Disappointment and anger among athletes

The measure was soon criticized by athletes who have personally suffered the consequence of allowing trans athletes to compete in women's categories, such as former swimmer Riley Gaines. Gaines recalled that the veto can be overturned by a 2/3 majority in the legislature, and invited citizens to call state representatives and senators to demand that they do so. Furthermore, she stressed that he is the governor of the state who has vetoed the most laws (188).

"Don't our girls also deserve safe and fair competition?"

Another of the most applauded criticisms came from a renowned lesbian athlete and activist for LGBTQ rights, former tennis player Martina Navratilova. In response to Evers' post on X, the former WTA number 1 asked: Don’t our girls deserve safe and fair competition also? Or they don’t really count???
