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More than 70% of voters in fiercely Democratic California see illegal immigration as a burden on the country

Despite being a super-progressive state sympathetic to Biden's policies, most consider the border as not secure.

Migrantes en fila intentando cruzar la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México.

(Cordon Press)

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A recent survey by Berkeley IGS found that voters in California, including Democrats, show growing concern about border insecurity and increased skepticism toward immigration.

Although California is a Democratic state that favors illegal immigration with its policies, a large part of its citizens do not seem to be changing their perspective toward migration and the management of the border crisis, which could have significant implications for the political landscape soon.

According to the study, more than 70% of registered voters in California share the opinion that illegal immigrants represent a burden on the country. Of this group, 42% consider that they constitute a “major burden,” while 30% believe they are a “minor burden.”

The poll also reveals that 62% of voters think the border is insecure, while only 30% believe the opposite. However, perhaps the most surprising part of the study was that a large percentage (30%) of the 54% of people who identify as “strongly liberal” in that state consider the border as not secure.

Biden admitted that the border is not secure

“The findings show that immigration is not clear-cut even in California, whose reputation as a sanctuary state often colors discussion on the issue,” said G. Cristina Mora, co-director of the Institute for Governmental Studies.

The survey was carried out between January 4 and 8 of this year with more than 8,000 registered voters and is especially relevant now that we are on the eve of electoral campaigns. Although the survey director, Mark DiCamillo, considers it unlikely that the state will elect a Republican, he recognizes the possibility of significant changes in the legislative elections.

“This issue is one that could play to the Republicans’ favor,” DiCamillo said.

Recently, Joe Biden himself publicly acknowledged that the border is not secure and that changes should be made to immigration policy.

“I believe we need significant policy changes at the border, including changes to our asylum system to ensure that we have the authorities we need to control the border,” he said after admitting border insecurity.
