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The Florida Republican Assembly demands that DeSantis abandon the presidential campaign and return to his duties with the state

The political organization says that the governor has left his constituents to the side while prioritizing his interests in reaching the White House.

Ron DeSantis

Ron DeSantis / Cordon Press.

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The Florida Republican Assembly issued a statement calling on Ron DeSantis to abandon his bid for President and return to Florida to govern the state.

The declaration states that the majority of its voters were "very happy" with the way DeSantis did his job as governor, and they ask him to desist from continuing with his campaign because they believe that Florida residents have become a secondary priority for the governor.

"Governor Ron DeSantis was elected to serve the people of the State of Florida and to complete his four-year term," the statement said.

"DeSantis has been using his position as Governor to campaign for the office of the President of the United States, taking him away from his official duties and responsibilities to the citizens of Florida, frequently at taxpayer expense," the Assembly adds.

The document indicates that the governor has not done well in his campaign and that on the contrary it has been received with a lack of enthusiasm by voters nationwide and that he has not gained any significant momentum, which is why the Republican Assembly considers that the best option is to resume his position as governor.

They also remember that the governor "had to have the Florida law changed in order to run for President and held back his announcement until the law was changed. He then joined the race with a thud when he came out on Twitter, and it bombed."

"The Florida Republican Assembly urges Governor Ron DeSantis to conclude his presidential campaign and return to Florida to continue to serve out the remainder of his term as Governor. Furthermore, the Florida Republican Assembly requests that Governor DeSantis rededicate himself to the needs of Florida residents and prioritize their interests over his personal political ambitions. The Florida Republican Assembly recognizes that campaigning for office is an important aspect of the political process, but elected officials must always prioritize the needs of their constituents. We call upon Governor DeSantis and all elected officials of Florida to fulfill their duties with integrity and commitment to the people. Public service is a privilege, not a career advancement opportunity, and elected officials must always place the interests of their constituents first," the Assembly declared.

The Florida Republican Assembly is a Judeo-Christian-based political organization, which is affiliated with the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA), and according to its description states that it "promotes conservative principles and candidates within the Republican Party."
