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More Republicans than Democrats support Israel over the Palestinians

A survey conducted by Morning Consult concluded this and also found that voters trust the GOP to better handle the conflict.

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Hamas began terrorist attacks on Israel on October 4, which led to a war between the Jewish state and the jihadist group. Since then, Americans' sympathy for Israel has increased considerably, but it remains higher among Republicans than Democrats. At the same time, voters believe that the GOP is the right one to properly handle the situation.

This was found in a survey conducted by Morning Consult between October 10 and 12 among American voters. According to their findings, 41% support Israel compared to the Palestinians, who have just 9% support. In turn, 26% of those surveyed support both sides and 25% have not yet decided.

According to the pollster, the favorable view towards Israel has increased since May 2021, when only 28% supported the Jewish state compared to the Palestinians, who enjoyed 11% support.

Additionally, Morning Consult asked about the degree of support across partisan lines and found that Republicans are significantly more sympathetic to Israel than Democrats, almost twice as much. Of those surveyed, 55% of Republicans sided with the country governed by Benjamin Netanyahu, while only 28% of Democrats did the same.

At the same time, Democrats triple Republicans in Palestinian support, 15% to 4%. When compared to May 2021, both parties increased their sympathy towards Israel, while they decreased it towards the Palestinians.

"The lack of consensus among Democratic voters on the conflict reflects the debate brewing on the American political left in recent years, tensions that have erupted in the wake of the latest outbreak of violence in the Middle East. The poll suggests that Americans, who are inclined to support Israel in the conflict, have taken notice," the poll results read.

Finally, voters were asked which party they thought would best manage the conflict between Israel and Hamas. There, 49% leaned Republican and 44% leaned Democratic. More than a third of the Democrats surveyed would also lean towards the GOP.

"By a margin of 5 percentage points, American voters are more likely to trust Republicans than Democrats to manage the conflict. This small disparity is due primarily to two factors: A 20-point lead for the GOP among independents, and a nearly 2-to-1 lead among voters of the opposing party. And although Republicans are closely favored over Democrats in the management of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, it is not clear that voters see Biden's management differently after the latest tragedy," Morning Consult added in the explanation of the survey results.

Americans support the "eradication of Hamas"

According to another poll, this time conducted by Rasmussen Reports, Americans support the complete "eradication of Hamas," the jihadist group at war with Israel. The results showed that 66% of respondents were in favor, against 19% who expressed opposition. The figures included a majority of all groups that participated in the poll.

Moreover, when they had to select a culprit for the situation, with 53% blaming the Palestinians, 10% blaming Israel and 24% blaming both sides.

In turn, Rassmussen asked respondents whether the United States should continue to support Israel economically. The affirmatives were slightly more than the negatives, 38% to 33%.
