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Media erupts as "devout Catholic" Biden compares himself to Satan to defend abortion

The president on abortion: "Do not compare me to the Almighty. Compare me to the alternative." Democrats want to codify Roe v. Wade.

Joe Biden, presidente EEUU

Joe Biden / Cordon Press.

President Joe Biden added another slip-up to his list. This time, the president botched a tweet in which he apparently compared himself and his father to Satan. The tweet concerned new guidelines and measures to be applied for abortions following the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

"My father used to say, 'Joey, don't compare me to the Almighty. Compare me to the alternative.' And here's the deal: Democrats want to codify Roe. Republicans want a national ban on abortion. The choice is clear."

More criticism of Biden

Biden repeated his father's phrase countless times during his 2020 presidential campaign. Bringing it up in the context of Roe v. Wade, however, caused many media members to question what exactly he meant:

Red State columnist Buzz Patterson was one of the first to go on the attack: "So, we're supposed to compare you to Satan? Okay."

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton added to the criticism: "Fact check: Left wants to do more than 'codify Roe'. It wants to push for the killing of unborn human beings WITHOUT ANY RESTRICTIONS through the entire nine months of pregnancy, with tax dollars. To start."

"Republicans want a ban after 15 weeks (3 and a half months) of pregnancy, with exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. Democrats want taxpayer-funded abortions for any reason up to the day of delivery, with no conscience protections for providers who object," said Liberate Prosperity Caucus Chairman Phil Kerpen.

Biden a "devout Catholic

Newsbusters executive editor Tim Graham quipped, "Devout Catholic update."

Donald Hying, Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin, told Biden that protecting human life from abortion is the only choice: "As you say, Mr. President, the choice is clear. The choice between life and death for millions of unborn lives. Shouldn't the government be seeking to nurture and protect human life?"

BizPac Review criticizes the president's lack of credibility, pointing out the discordance between what he says and what he does: "Biden claims to be a devout Catholic while promoting the murder of the unborn, which is in direct contradiction to the precepts of his religion. In May, Biden outrageously and confusingly referred to his natural rights as a child of God in defense of abortion."
