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Campaign ad? New Trump's video: "We are a nation in decline"

The former president reacts to the attacks against him and advances his possible candidacy: "Americans only kneel before God. Soon we will have greatness again".

Donald Trump

Gage Skidmore

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Donald Trump has released a video via the Truth Social network in which he describes the country as "a nation in decline." The former president releases the video just after the FBI raid on his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida and in the midst of a new offensive against him.

Trump describes the last years of the Biden Administration, "We are the nation that allowed Russia to devastate Ukraine (...) That has weaponized the law against the opposing political party like never before (...) A nation that no longer has a free and fair press." In a somber tone in which black and white reigns supreme, Trump denounces the limitations to the freedom of expression (recalling the suspension of his Twitter account), the increase in crime, the persecution of faith, the economic collapse (asking Venezuela and Arabia for oil) or the lack of control of covid management (with more deaths in 2021 than in 2020).

We are a nation that in the last two years is no longer respected or listened to around the world.

A country, the former president adds, that has lost respect abroad, recalling Iran's nuclear rearmament and the growth of the Chinese army. A country that "somehow has become a joke" Trump sentences. A summary of the two years of Joe Biden's administration that changes, in the middle of the video, from black and white to color. In the new images, Donald Trump announces that "soon we will be great again".

"It was working patriots like you who built this country (...) And it is you who are going to save it." "Because Americans only kneel before God and it's time to go back to talking about greatness for our country," the former president said.

"The best is yet to come," a preview of Trump 2024?

The full video, posted on Truth Social, ends with a powerful phrase: "The best is yet to come". A phrase that can be interpreted as a preview of Donald Trump's intentions to run again for the 2024 elections. Hence, many speak of this content as a campaign video.

The best is yet to come

A possible Trump candidacy that is endorsed by his strengthened position in the Republican Party after the in the primaries and after the fall of those who tried within his own party to force his removal from office.

While waiting to find out if this candidacy becomes a reality, the former president seems to be in the mood to face the challenge again: "There is no mountain we cannot climb; there is no summit we cannot reach; there is no challenge we cannot overcome; there is no victory we cannot have", promises Donald Trump in the video.
