"I am your father": these are the most recognizable father figures in film and television
Gomez Addams, Uncle Phil, Homer Simpson, Mufasa or even the evil Darth Vader are some of the fathers who have made their mark in the history of the seventh art.

(Voz Media / Walt Disney Studios / Netflix)
If a few weeks ago Mother 's Day was celebrated, this Sunday countries like Afghanistan, Argentina, Costa Rica, Cuba, Japan, Venezuela or even the United States are celebrating Father's Day. A holiday that transcends the screen and that many networks will take advantage of to celebrate with several specials.
And they have no shortage of material for it. Many fictions have families as their central axis. Or that have among their characters, parents that we all recognize and even love. These are some of them:
Chris Warner ('The Pursuit of Happyness')
If there is a movie where a father is the absolute protagonist, it is "The Pursuit of Happyness". Starring Will Smith and his real-life son, the film tells how Chris Warner, a young businessman, loses everything overnight. And when we say everything, we mean everything, including his wife. Despite this, his mission as a father will remain fundamental and he will take care of his son with care and dedication, earning his absolute respect.
Stanley Banks ('Father of the Bride')
Stanley Banks deserves an Oscar for his dedication throughout the wedding of his little Kay, who is about to get married. Nerves play tricks on him and luck is not on his side either. When everything ends up in chaos and the wedding preparations do not go as they should, Stanley Banks comes to the rescue. And we applaud him for it.
Henry Jones ('Indiana Jones')
Indiana Jones' father is an example of what an exemplary father should be. Played by actor Sean Connery, Henry Jones is a professor of medieval literature. As a teacher and as a parent he can have a very serious air and does not seem the typical close father, but distant. However, whenever he gets the chance, he teaches his son a great deal and helps him in each and every one of his missions.
Jonathan Kent ('Smallville' and 'Man of Steel')
Clark Kent lost his biological family but can't complain to his adoptive one. He ends up in Smallville, a small town in Kansas where the Kents adopt him. His mother, Martha, and his father, Jonathan, soon discover the little boy's powers and do not hesitate a moment to help him adapt during his youth while instilling in him all the values necessary for Clark Kent to eventually become Superman. Jonathan will do this by teaching him, strictly, to run the farm with love and those lessons, little by little, will end up being necessary for the young Kent to learn to control his powers.
Benjamin Martin ('The Patriot')
Benjamin Martin, played by Mel Gibson, loses one of his young sons at the beginning of "The Patriot" and is not willing to lose any more. When two of his sons are sent to war, and on opposing sides, he will not hesitate to do what is necessary and even go to the front lines to defend them. An example of what a true American father is dedicated to his sons.
Uncle Phil ('The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air')
He may not be Will's father (played by actor Will Smith) but he clearly serves as a father figure to him and is the progenitor of Carlton, Ashley, Hilary and little Nicky, whom he spoils but with whom he also has a firm hand when necessary.
The actor who brought him to life, James Avery, passed away in 2013 leaving a legacy with his portrayal of Uncle Phil. The character began the fiction considering his nephew Will a necessary hindrance to please his wife, Vivian, but ended up sharing confidences with his nephew and even considering him as another son. He was relentless in his profession, both as a lawyer and later as a judge and, as the head of a family, he is very serious, but at the same time wise. And he will not hesitate to do whatever it takes to ensure that his family has the life he himself was denied as a child, due to the limited financial resources available to his parents.
Arthur Weasley ('Harry Potter')
Arthur Weasley's fascination with the non-magical (or Muggle) world gripped Harry Potter lovers from minute one. The character first appeared in the second Harry Potter film installment, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets." Played by Mark Williams, Arthur Weasley is an example of a devoted father, not only to his little ones, but also to other children who need his guidance, such as Harry himself, whom he helps at all times.
Jay Pritchett, Phil Dunphy, Mitch Pritchett, and Cameron Tucker ('Modern Family')
If there's one TV series that never tired of introducing us to different types of parents, it was "Modern Family." The three main families have as many as four different fathers playing the lead roles - Jay, Phil, Mitch and Cam - and with each of them we see a different type of upbringing.
We start with Jay Pritchett. He is the most expert in this parenting thing. Although it depends on who you ask. His older children, Claire and Mitch, consider him to have been an absentee father, more focused on building his empire than raising them. His stepson Manny's perception of him varies considerably. He does see him more as a father figure, although their arguments are frequent due to the fact that does not tolerate Manny's sensitive nature nor does he understand the Colombian culture of his stepson or his wife, Gloria (Sofia Vergara), who is often mistaken for his daughter. He is a character with a tough attitude who appreciates, and very much, his family even if it is hard for him to show it.
Phil, Mitch and Cameron are a different kind of parents, perhaps more modern. Phil considers himself a "cool" dad and acts in accordance with that idea at all times, leaving the more serious issues in the hands of his wife, Claire. Mitch and Cameron are two gay fathers who will do everything possible so that their little ones do not notice the absence of a mother figure, for which it comes in handy to have a family as extensive as the one they have.
Jefferson Davies ('Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse') and Uncle Ben (multiple 'Spider-Man' sagas)
"Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse" arrived just a few weeks ago on the big screen and this second installment showed in greater depth the character of Jefferson Davies, Miles Morales' father. Sheriff of the city of New York, Miles' father is a concerned parent for his son, whom he doesn't quite understand, especially considering that he doesn't know about his double life. However, that won't stop him from caring about him and being there to give him advice, either as a strict father or, when the occasion warrants it, a most understanding one:
However, if there is another figure just as important as Sheriff Jefferson Davies in the live-action Wallcrawler sagas, it is Uncle Ben. It is true that we know little about him, in all of them, but from what little we do know we are aware that Uncle Ben acts as a real father figure to Peter Parker and that he is there to advise him when needed, with a firm hand. It is not for nothing that he is the architect of the well-known phrase: "With great power comes great responsabilities."
George Cooper ('Young Sheldon')
A figure often mentioned in "The Big Bang Theory" but unknown until the spin-off of this series, "Young Sheldon." It is in this fiction where we get to know better Sheldon Cooper's father, George Cooper. He is the soccer coach at Medford High, the high school Sheldon attends when he is only eight years old.
It is clear from the beginning that George does not share Sheldon's superior intellect and, that on many occasions, he finds it difficult to understand him. However, he is a most loving father who will not hesitate to do whatever it takes to help and protect not only Sheldon but also his other children, George and Missy, with whom he has a better relationship than with Sheldon. However, both the adult and child versions of Sheldon will demonstrate on many occasions the love and appreciation they have for his father and how his death changed his lives forever.
Marlin ('Finding Nemo')
A father on a mission: to recover his son, the little clownfish Nemo. This is Marlin, another example of bravery capable of embarking on the mysterious sea and reaching the dangerous coast in order to know the whereabouts of his son. His adventure is told in full in "Finding Nemo," the 2003 film centered on the well-known clownfish and his father, who will stop at nothing to find him and, of course, save him.
Gomez Addams ('Wednesday')
"The Addams Family" also returned this year and they did it in a big way featuring "Wednesday" played by Hispanic actress Jenna Ortega. She was joined by the rest of the family, including her mother, Morticia (played by Catherine Zeta-Jones), her brother Pugsley (played by Isaac Ordoñez) and, of course, the patriarch of "The Addams Family," Gomez Addams (Luis Gúzman).
His character does not have much relevance in "Wednesday," however, his brief appearances make several things clear to us about the character of Hispanic descent: he is terribly in love with his wife, Morticia, and he cares a great deal for his children, whom he advises and often helps. Not for nothing does he leave the Addams' butler, Thing, to keep an eye on his little girl and make sure she doesn't get into trouble at the boarding school.
Mufasa ('The Lion King')
Undoubtedly one of the Disney progenitors we are most fond of. Mufasa devotes himself body and soul to guide a young Simba and turn him into the respectful and dignified king that his clan deserves. He proves to be most protective, but also understanding and the time he spends playing with his puppy brings a smile to everyone's face. However, right after that, he adopts his role as a teacher and explains to Simba the importance of respecting the circle of life.
His death will go down in history as one of the most tragic deaths in cinema. Few can resist shedding a tear or two when they see Simba trying to wake up a deceased Mufasa.
Its history gives even more to tell. The success of the live-action "The Lion King" in 2019 prompted approval for a second installment. Titled "Mufasa," the film will focus on Simba's father and his uncle, the evil Scar. It is scheduled for release on July 4, 2024.
Homer Simpson ('The Simpsons')
If there's one father we all know from the small screen, it's Homer Simpson. The main character of "The Simpsons" and his particular family has been with us since 1989 and his end does not seem near. We're not complaining, as screenwriter and executive producer Matt Groening always finds ways to entertain us with these yellow characters.
Homer is what you would expect from a stereotypical middle-class father. Fed up with his job, he will not stop trying new things even though he will end up returning to the Springfield nuclear power plant, and he is well aware that he needs the money to be able to support his family. As a father we could say that he is somewhat mediocre since his children have seen him come home drunk on more than one occasion. However, he also proves just how much he cares about them, and the moments he spends with Bart, Lisa and Maggie are often the most amusing and endearing.
Darth Vader ('Star Wars')
"Luke, I am your father." That was perhaps the most unexpected revelation to come out of the Star Wars saga. It was during the fifth film of the saga, titled "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back." The moment when Darth Vader reveals that he is actually Anakin Skywalker, Luke and Leia's father, left everyone in awe:
As a father we have seen nothing of him, neither in the series nor in the multiple films of the saga, since the little that is known is that he had already gone to the dark side when his children were born, but he will undoubtedly become one of the most recognized protagonists of the seventh art and no one like him to finish this list. Happy Father's Day!