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Madrid will be home to the Hispanic-Jewish Foundation's flagship project: the Hispanic-Jewish Museum

The museum will aim to "unearth the common history between the Jewish people and 600 million Spanish-speakers."

Edificio del nuevo Museo Hispanojudío ubicado en la calle Castelló 21 (Madrid).

(Fundación Hispanojudía)

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The Hispanic-Jewish Foundation announced that its flagship project, the Hispanic-Jewish Museum (MHJ), will be located in Madrid, Spain, at Calle Castelló, 21, one of the most iconic areas of the Spanish capital.

Madrid Metro, the owner of the building, ceded the building to the Hispanic-Jewish Foundation through a public lease on a rental basis. David Hatchwell, president of the institution, assured that the objective of the Hispanic-Jewish Museum is to "unearth the common history between the Jewish people and 600 million Spanish speakers." The foundation will be "a center for outreach and education that will promote a deeper understanding of Hispanic-Jewish culture."

Model of the headquarters of the Hispano-Jewish Museum in Madrid.

"The MHJ will become a cultural beacon worldwide," said the Hispanic-Jewish Foundation, who explained that the MHJ will contain advanced technology: "The digital platform and the physical museum will be permanently connected to offer an unlimited and customizable experience," in addition to having "interactive exhibits and pieces of great historical value from important collectors."

In addition, the museum will collaborate with educational centers in Spain, Europe and Latin America, as well as with major collectors and prestigious institutions around the world. These include ANU, Yad Vashem, The Hispanic Society of New York, MyHeritage.com, The American Sephardi Federation, the Red de Juderías de España (Spanish Jewish Network), The Museum of the Bible (Washington, D.C.) and the Ministry of the Diaspora of Israel.

About the Hispanic-Jewish Foundation

The Hispanic-Jewish Foundation was established in 2016 in Spain with the main objective of sharing how much unites the Jewish People with the Hispanic World. A museum that radiates mutual respect and knowledge from Madrid is key to achieving this goal.

The foundation has a presence through associations in Mexico, Argentina, Panama, Israel and the U.S., as well as an international board of trustees composed of 72 prominent philanthropists, eight benefactors, an international committee of 20 advisors made up of Jewish and non-Jewish personalities, and an executive committee. Pablo Kleinman, COO of Voz Media and president of the Hispanic Jewish Endowment (U.S.) –also involved in the MHJ project–, is the foundation's vice president.

The Hispanic-Jewish Foundation promotes educational and cultural programs that build empathy and showcase the shared values between Hispanics and Jews. More than 135 of such programs have been held since its founding.
