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Boston University offers therapy to students after SCOTUS ruling against affirmative action

An email sent to law students describes the situation as chaotic after judges took a stand against ethnic criteria in admissions policies.

Un campus de la Universidad de Boston.

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The Student Government Association (SGA) of Boston University (BU) opposes affirmative action in university admissions, supported by the latest Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruling. This university institution, which represents and assists BU Law students, sent an email to the BU student body to make its position clear and to encourage students to seek psychological help because of the situation.

"BU offers a number of wellness resources that are willing and able to help students navigate these times," according to SGA leadership in an e-mail that was obtained by Fox News. SGA refers to the medical and mental health care available to the university for its students. Among other services, BU offers diagnostic as well as emergency mental health care for its students.

"[The assenting judges] went so far as to say that the race-based admissions system uses race as a negative and treats it as a stereotype," the SGA email reads. "They may couch their opinion in legal jargon, but we all know what this opinion aims to do: advocate for a 'colorblind' admissions process."

The SGA only agreed with Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who said that "ignoring race will not equalize a society that is racially unequal."

This is not the first time that this student government has criticized Supreme Court judges. The SGA is an institution made up of students that, with the backing of the university itself, organizes events and even distributes funds for student associations and activities.

SGA's opinion is in line with that of the rest of the university. The president of Boston University, Robert A. Brown, issued a statement along the same lines as that of his law students. He called the judges' decision "disappointing," in addition to being contrary to Boston University's values.
