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State terrorism in Venezuela: Maduro's regime not only arrests activist Rocío San Miguel, but also part of her family

More than 200 civil society organizations demanded the immediate release of the activist and urged the international community to speak out against this "unacceptable and grave conduct".

Rocío San Miguel | Captura NTN24

Rocío San Miguel | Captura NTN24

Nicolás Maduro's regime in Venezuela intensified its authoritarian and repressive tactics with the arbitrary detention and forced disappearance of renowned human rights defender Rocío San Miguel, as well as five members of her family.

San Miguel's arrest occurred as she was trying to board a plane to leave Venezuela through the Maiquetía Simón Bolívar International Airport in Caracas. The Venezuelan regime has accused her of allegedly being linked to a conspiracy case against Maduro.

"The Public Ministry reports the arrest of citizen Rocío del Carmen San Miguel Sosa, this by virtue of an arrest warrant against her for allegedly being linked and referenced in the conspiracy and attempted assassination plot called 'Brazalete Blanco,' whose objective was to attack the life of the head of state Nicolás Maduro and other senior officials," wrote Attorney General Tarek William Saab, a day after the dissidents denounced the activist's disappearance.

Several relatives of the activist are also missing

Following the news, San Miguel's lawyer, Juan González, claimed that there no information on her whereabouts, nor is there any information available on the location of her daughter, also an activist, Miranda Díaz San Miguel.

González explained that Miranda was with her mother at the time of the arrest and that she reported what was happening at the airport. However, after a while, she stopped communicating. "We haven't heard from her for more than 48 hours now. She is not answering calls or messages," González claimed.

Later, the NGO Amnesty International confirmed that two of San Miguel's brothers, her ex-partner and Miranda's father were also arbitrarily detained.

Opposition leader speaks out

María Corina Machado, the main opposition leader, maintained that this is an attack by the Chavista regime and asked the international community to keep an eye on the case.

"We alert the world that the repressive onslaught of the Maduro regime continues. Rocío San Miguel, human rights defender and president of the organization Citizen Control, was arrested. We call for national and international solidarity with her and with all political prisoners and persecuted people in Venezuela," Machado wrote on X.

More than 200 organizations demand the activist's release

In a strong gesture of solidarity and defense of human rights, 204 organizations issued a strong rejection of the recent forced disappearance of San Miguel, a prominent human rights defender and president of the NGO Citizen Control.

Through the joint statement, the organizations demanded the immediate release of Rocío San Miguel and made an urgent call to the different instances of the United Nations and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to make a firm statement and act in defense of the fundamental principles.

"We urge the democratic governments and civic organizations of the world to condemn this unacceptable and grave conduct and to show solidarity with the immediate release of Rocío San Miguel," the statement reads.

Other politicians and journalists warn of escalating persecution by the regime
