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The Royal Air Force admitted that it illegally discriminated against white recruits amid its intention to be "more inclusive."

The British Air Force announced that they will follow a dozen recommendations although none of them involve sanctions against those responsible.

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Britain's Royal Air Force (RAF) admitted that it discriminated against white men during a recruitment drive that was intended to boost diversity.

The Ministry of Defense conducted an investigation to determine whether the RAF committed discrimination in an attempt to increase the proportion of women and ethnic minorities, after the head of recruitment decided to resign in the face of a freeze on white male enlistments.

El informe desmintió las declaraciones que había dado la RAF sobre sus políticas y encontró que efectivamente hubo segregación durante 2020 y 2021, lo que llevó a la Fuerza Aérea a emitir un comunicado explicando lo ocurrido y ofreciendo disculpas y recompensas para los afectados.

"A total of 161 enlisted airmen, who were female or from ethnic minorities, were fast-tracked into initial training ahead of other candidates," the RAF said in a statement.

Royal Air Force apologizes without sanctioning the culprits

Air Chief Marshal Sir Rich Knighton publicly apologized for the RAF's discrimination and confirmed that it was these practices that led to the resignation of the then Group Recruiting and Selection Captain.

He also announced that a dozen recommendations issued in the report would now be followed, although none of them included sanctions for any of the RAF's senior commanders, including the then Air Chief Marshal, Sir Mike Wigston.

"The report does not highlight (culpable) individuals or recommend disciplinary or administrative measures. My focus as chief is to make sure that we learn the lessons from this and absolutely do not repeat these mistakes," he said during a press conference.

According to Knighton, the people responsible for implementing the discriminatory policies "acted with the best of intentions." "The belief at the time, based on an understanding of the recruitment process and interpretation of legal advice, was that this practice demonstrated a positive and acceptable action. We now know that this was not the case, and I apologize unreservedly to all those affected," said Marshal.

Reward for those affected

So far, 31 men who were discriminated against because of the recruitment approach have been identified and will be compensated with a payment of just over $6,000 each.

RAF maintains its standard

Despite the discriminatory policies, Defense Secretary Ben Wallace assured that the Royal Air Force never lowered its standard and that the people hired came in because "they were above the standard."
