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Pope Francis invites Javier Milei to the Vatican for private meeting

If the offer is accepted, the meeting would be held on Feb. 11 in the Holy See and not in Argentina, as the president offered.

El papa Francisco, durante una audiencia en el Vaticano.

(Cordon Press)

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One day after Javier Milei issued a letter inviting Pope Francis to visit Argentina and talk about different issues that affect their native country, the Vatican reciprocated and offered the Argentine president a trip to the Holy See to meet with the pope on Feb. 11.

For the moment, Milei has not responded if he will go to the Vatican.

This meeting, which would be private, would be held in the Vatican instead of in Argentina, as Milei initially offered during the canonization ceremony of María Antonia de Paz y Figueroa, known as "Mamá Antula."

If the meeting is held, it is expected that they will put aside their ideological differences, as were showed during Argentina's electoral campaign, and that they will come to an agreement for the benefit of Argentines.

On Thursday, Milei sent a letter to the Vatican formalizing his desire to meet with Pope Francis at a time when "there are divisions and confrontations" in Argentina. In the letter, the Argentine president also reflected his concern about the current economic situation of his country, inherited from the mismanagement by the government of Alberto Fernández and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
