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On Hamas' side: more than 750 left-wing journalists sign a letter condemning Israel

The letter written by the group of journalists accuses Western media of supposedly "undermining Palestinian perspectives" and demands that actions in defense of the Jewish state be considered "genocide."

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(Cordon Press)

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More than 750 journalists from around the world signed a petition urging media outlets to adopt stronger language against Israel for its actions following the Hamas attack.

The letter accuses Western media of undermining Palestinian, Arab and Muslim perspectives, and of using inflammatory language that they say reinforces Islamophobia and racism.

However, in the same letter they urge the media to use terms such as “apartheid” and “genocide” in their reports to describe the alleged treatment of the Jewish State to civilians and journalists in the Gaza Strip, claiming that they are terms used by international organizations such as the UN to express themselves about Israel and its actions.

"We are writing [this letter] to urge an end to violence against journalists in Gaza and to call on Western newsroom leaders to be clear-eyed in coverage of Israel’s repeated atrocities against Palestinians,” the text reads.

In the letter, the journalists also stated that the media is misinforming by sharing data offered by Israeli officials and called "to tell the full truth without fear or favor."

Is the UN a reference for impartiality in the conflict?

Although the letter mentions the United Nations as a reference, the position adopted by the UN and its various organizations has raised questions about its impartiality.

The UN appears to have turned its back on Israel after repeatedly downplaying the human losses that the country has suffered, and passing a resolution that did not even make specific mention of Hamas or the attacks the terrorist group carried out.

Through social networks, the UN has shared videos and messages justifying the terrorist group's attacks, only condemning the deaths in Gaza and openly criticizing the Jewish State.

Hamas and Israel's treatment of Gazans

The terrorist group that has controlled the Gaza Strip for years has repeatedly made it clear that the lives of the area's inhabitants are not of its interest.

Despite having tunnels that could serve as shelter for civilians, a Hamas spokesperson recently acknowledged in an interview that underground shelters are only used by terrorists and that his group does not consider it its responsibility to protect citizens. In addition to this, on several occasions Israel has shared evidence of Hamas using civilians as human shields by placing themselves under hospitals, schools, mosques and even homes.

For its part, the Jewish state has provided humanitarian corridors in an effort to move Gaza civilians to safer areas.

Unlike the unexpected attack carried out by Hamas, Israel has repeatedly warned that it will end the terrorist group and that it will carry out ground operations to achieve this, which is why it has asked the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip to withdraw from the conflict zone to avoid being affected.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also recently spoke about what civilians in Gaza could expect once the conflict ends.

“We will defeat and dismantle Hamas and we will offer the people of Gaza and the people of the Middle East a real future, a future of promise and hope,” he assured , highlighting that for this to happen, Israel will have to win the war.

Journalists complicit in “crimes against humanity”

It is not the first time that journalists and media outlets adopt an anti-Israel stance in the conflict between the Jewish State and Hamas. It was recently revealed that journalists who captured footage of the terrorist group's first attacks against Israel may have previously coordinated with members of Hamas to document the atrocities.

"The Gaza photojournalists employed by the world's leading news agencies who captured images of the October 7 Hamas massacre in Gaza border communities, and who appear to have had prior knowledge of the planned attack, were complicit in crimes against humanity," the office of Netanyahu reported, following information suggesting that the journalists who were at the attack did not appear by chance.

Several media outlets have also been quick to openly condemn Israel by accepting Hamas' data as valid. In fact, this is what happened in the middle of last month when major news agencies blamed the Jewish state for launching an airstrike on a Gaza hospital despite evidence suggesting that the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization was responsible.
