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Jack Teixeira had been previously reprimanded by his superiors for accessing sensitive information months before his arrest

The man who is responsible for the Pentagon leaks had previously been warned by his superiors, who nevertheless kept him on the job and certified him as being suitable for intelligence work.

Jack Teixeira.

( U.S. Air National Guard

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Jack Teixeira's superiors in the Intelligence Wing of the Air National Guard had already reprimanded him for improperly handling classified information in 2022. This information is documented in the prosecutor's report which was delivered this week to the judge in Worcester, Massachusetts, who will decide whether to release Teixeira on a $20,000 bond, as requested by his family and legal defense.

According to the prosecutor's report, Airman Teixeira's superiors reprimanded him after learning that he had been involved in other "aspects of concern" while handling classified information. One of these concerns was that he put a note in his pocket after reviewing secret information at the National Guard Intelligence Air Base. Teixeira's superiors reprimanded him between October and November 2022, months before the Intelligence leaks occurred through the Discord platform.

The prosecutor's document, which requests Teixeira's indefinite detention, states that after being reprimanded, his superiors ordered him not to make any further notes about classified information. Teixeira was also ordered not to conduct "in-depth searches for classified intelligence information."

Teixeira was not suspended

The document also claims that an Air National Guard sergeant caught Jack Teixeira accessing reports from the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System, the Pentagon's encrypted communications system. According to the Air Force Inspectorate General, Teixeira's superiors who were aware of his serious misconduct have been removed from service for now and denied access to Intelligence facilities.

These details raise concern about whether the Department of Defense and the Armed Forces could have prevented the leak of classified information. Despite these reprimands, Teixeira kept his job. He even received a credential certifying that he was qualified to handle sensitive information. The endorsements given to Teixeira by the National Guard are proof that he knew perfectly well what he was doing and how to access the classified reports on the Discord platform. This is just one more reason why he shouldn't be released on bail.
