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Hezbollah leader killed in Israeli military attack

The terrorist group confirmed the death of Wissam al Tawil on the same day that Antony Blinken is set to arrive in Israel.

Estalla la violencia entre Israel y Hezbolá: un alto cargo del terrorista afirma que “está en el corazón de la guerra”

(Cordon Press)

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Hezbollah confirmed the death of one of its leaders after an attack by the Israeli military. The event occurred in the town of Kherbet Selm, a few miles from the border with Israel, while Wissam al Tawil, the deceased, was traveling in his vehicle, according to an anonymous source reported by AFP.

The death of al Tawil, who "played a leading role in directing military operations in the south," was confirmed on the same day that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is set to land in Israel to continue his efforts to resolve the conflict so it does not spread to Lebanon and to the rest of the region.

Before arriving in Israel, Blinken made a stop in Qatar, where he warned that the war "could easily metastasize." These statements come after the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, threatened Israel following the death of Hamas’ number two, al Arouri, a few days ago.

Netanyahu warns Hezbollah

In the face of Hezbollah's intimidation, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that they will defend themselves if the Lebanese terrorist group decides to carry out attacks against their country:

Netanyahu added that they will do "everything to restore security to the north and allow your families … to return home in safety."
