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Putin gifts Kim Jong-Un a Russian limousine: "He is our close neighbor"

South Korea claims that the gift constitutes a violation of the UN resolution prohibiting the supply of luxury goods to the North Korean country.

Putin dedica elogio a Fidel Castro

Vladimir Putin (Cordon Press)

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Russian President Vladimir Putin gave North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un a luxurious Russian limousine, which could constitute a violation of the UN resolution banning the supply of luxury goods to North Korea.

Putin reportedly gifted Kim Jong-Un a version of the Aurus limousine, similar to the one the Russian president commonly uses for his travels. In fact, Putin gifted the vehicle after his North Korean counterpart sat next to him in the car and expressed that it was to his liking.

"When the head of the DPRK (North Korea) was at the Vostochny Cosmodrome, he looked at this car, Putin showed it to him personally, and like many people, Kim liked this car, so this decision was made," said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

This gesture by Putin occurs in a context in which relations between North Korea and Russia have experienced a notable strengthening since the leaders met at the Russian Vostochny Cosmodrome in September last year, where they expressed their intention to mutually fight against imperialism.

"North Korea is our neighbor, our close neighbor, and we intend, and will continue, to develop our relations with all neighbors, including North Korea," Peskov said after reporting the gift.

North Korea appreciated the gesture

Kim's sister conveyed Kim Jong-Un's gratitude to Putin, describing the gift as a clear demonstration of the special personal relationship between the leaders.

South Korea warns of violation of UN resolution

After news of the gift came to light, the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that it is closely monitoring relations between Russia and North Korea. Likewise, they also urged both countries to comply with the resolutions of the UN Security Council.

"Security Council sanctions on North Korea prohibit directly or indirectly supplying, selling or moving all transportation vehicles internationally categorized as HS Code 86 through to 89 regardless of their origin to North Korea including luxury cars," recalled ministry spokesperson Lim Soo-suk.

It is important to remember that the sanctions affecting North Korea have been mainly imposed due to its activities linked to the development of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. The purpose of these sanctions is to put pressure on that country to comply with United Nations Security Council resolutions and end its nuclear and missile programs.
