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Netanyahu will not surrender and rejects Biden's vision of a two-state solution with Palestine

The prime minister made it clear that Israel is not willing to give in to Hamas to exchange the hostages in Gaza.

Netanyahu dice que no aceptará una rendición y rechaza la visión de Biden sobre una solución de dos Estados con Palestina

El primer ministro de Israel en una reciente reunión con el secretario de Estado,

This Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he is not willing to accept a two-state solution, like the one proposed by the Biden Administration, and that Israel will not announce a surrender to Hamas to exchange the hostages that remain in Gaza.

“I will not compromise full Israeli security control over all territory west of the[river] Jordan,” Netanyahu said in a video posted on X (Twitter).

“As long as I am prime minister, I will continue to defend this strongly,” he continued, noting that for years he resisted international and domestic pressure to move toward a two-state solution.

The Israeli leader’s comments come at a time when various press reports indicate that the US, Egypt and Qatar are all pressuring Israel and Hamas to end the war and find a path to a two-state solution.

Netanyahu’s position contradicts Washington’s opinion, making it clear that Israel, under his guard, would not allow a full-fledged, militarized Palestinian state to emerge.

However, his words left a small window for the solution of a demilitarized Palestine. A CNN report published on Saturday notes that Netanyahu told Biden that he was not completely ruling out a Palestinian state as long as Israel’s security is not compromised.

On Saturday night, Netanyahu tweeted that “I will not compromise full Israeli security control over all territory west of the Jordan River, and this goes against a Palestinian state.”

Likewise, in his video, the Israeli leader made it clear that Israel will not give in to the Hamas terrorists in exchange for releasing the 136 remaining hostages in Gaza.

“So far, we have brought home 110 hostages and we are committed to bringing them all back,” Netanyahu said. “I’m working on this twenty-four hours a day. But let me be clear: I flatly reject the surrender terms of the Hamas monsters.”
