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The Spanish Prosecutor's Office requests the closure of the investigation into the murder of two citizens during the massacre attributed to Hamas

This action by Justice fuels criticism of the country's stance on the war. President Pedro Sanchez has been described as "the most Israelophobic leader in Europe."

El presidente de España Pedro Sánchez.

(Cordon Press)

The Prosecutor's Office of the Spanish National Court has asked to close the investigation into the death of Iván Illarramendi and Maya Villalobo Sinvany (Spanish citizens) who were murdered in the attack carried out by Hamas terrorists in Israel on October 7.

According to the media The confidential, "The Prosecutor's Office justifies its request for closure in that there is no doubt of the death and the terrorist responsibility (by Hamas) of the action. In addition, it recalls the impossibility of putting those directly responsible for the murder of Illarramendi and Villalobo on the bench.":

According to what sources familiar with the case inform this newspaper. If they are identified and arrested, they would be tried for these events in Israel. No one can be judged twice for the same actions.

Magistrate María Tardón, head of the Central Court of Instruction number 3, will be in charge of determining whether she accepts the request of the Public Ministry or decides to continue with the investigation of the murders.

Both deceased were identified as Spanish citizens, Maya Villalobo, was doing mandatory military service in the Israeli forces for being a citizen of dual nationality (Spanish and Israeli) and Iván Illarramendi, a 46-year-old Basque man , lived in the Kibbutz Kissufim (city in Israel near Gaza).

Criticism of the Spanish Government

This action by the Prosecutor's Office to file the murder case of two of its citizens fuels criticism of the Spanish Government's position regarding the Hamas attack on Israeli citizens. The country's executive has been criticized for its statements against the Israeli defense and its apparent support for the terrorist group Hamas. Furthermore, it has been one of the few nations that has not supported Israel in its defense against attacks.

The president of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, has officials in his cabinet who publicly declare their rejection of Israel's actions to defend itself and support the Hamas terrorists. The former Minister of Social Affairs and Agenda 2030, Ione Belarra, stated a few months ago that Israel "is carrying out war crimes in the Gaza Strip." Like her, Vice President Yolanda Díaz denounced what she called the "Israeli apartheid."

Sánchez "the most Israelophobic leader in Europe"

From the Action and Communication on the Middle East (ACOM) they directly rate president Sánchez as "the most Israelophobic leader in Europe." They allege that the president and the "Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), who have just been invested with the same partners and have themselves a long history of hostility towards Israel and the Jewish people."

Sánchez was the only leader (of the 27) that are part of the European Union who did not visit Israel or call President Benjamin Netanyahu in the first days after the attack. Instead, he went to Egypt to meet with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas. In addition, the president has repeatedly called for a "humanitarian ceasefire" and has described Israel's actions to defend itself as "disproportionate."

Recently, Spain also showed its rejection of the international military mission that the United States wants to lead in the Red Sea against the Yemeni rebels and assured that it will not participate in it. The country defends that a specific mission should be created in the Red Sea with "its own scope, means and objectives."
