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Israel's foreign minister addresses Hamas' atrocities before the UN

"As we meet here today, young babies, children, are held in Gaza, this is beyond imagination, living a nightmare," Eli Cohen told the UN Security Council.

""Es una pesadilla"": el ministro de exteriores de Israel muestra en la ONU las atrocidades cometidas por Hamás | Captura de Twitter i24NEWS

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Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen presented images before the United Nations (UN) that reveal the atrocities that Hamas terrorists have committed against the Israeli people.

"As we meet here today, young babies, children, are held in Gaza, this is beyond imagination, living a nightmare," Cohen said.

Likewise, Cohen maintained that Israeli children have witnessed moments of horror that cannot be described. The minister questioned the position of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres regarding the attacks that Israel has suffered.

"Mr. Secretary General, in what world do you live? Definitely this is not our world," Cohen said.

The minister asked that the West unite to confront the barbarity on the part of the terrorist group. "Just as the civilized world united to defeat the Nazis, just as the civilized world united to defeat ISIS, the civilized world has to stand united behind Israel to defeat Hamas," Cohen said.

The Israeli foreign minister's comments coincide with the request of Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan, who called for the resignation of the UN secretary general. "I call on him to resign immediately. There is no justification or point in talking to those who show compassion for the most terrible atrocities committed against the citizens of Israel and the Jewish people. There are simply no words," Erdan wrote on X (formerly Twitter).
